January 8, 2012

Day 8

Today, I almost completely failed again.  I forgot to take any pictures or video, but did at least remember after he went to bed.  So I decided, at the risk of waking him, to take picture of him sleeping.  Well...lucky for me he is a heavy sleeper because it actually took 4 separate trips with a total of 8 pictures (with the flash!) before I got one that was in focus enough to use.  Poor baby!  I hope it doesn't make him have crazy scarey dreams with lots of bright flashes of light.

I am still mad at myself that I didn't think about taking pictures all day.  We went to church this morning, then a couple from our bible study came over after church with their little girl, Katie, so Logan had a little playmate, and I didn't even get a picture.  Then this evening we went on a family walk together, and that would have been another photo opportunity that I again completely missed.  Oh well!

Anyway, here's my sleeping angel...

I just love him so much I can hardly stand it sometimes!  I just want to go get him out of his bed and snuggle up in the recliner with him.  However, I also know that he and I will both sleep better in our own beds, but I sure do miss him when he sleeps.

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