January 12, 2012

Day 12

So my whole blog post for today was deleted.  I was almost to the point of publishing it and somehow I managed to make it all disappear.   Then Blogger auto-saved it, and I could not go back to my previously saved post.  So upset I could cry.  I'm going to try my best to recreate it, but I probably won't put as much detail in it because I'm upset and just ready to be done with it at this point.

This morning, Logan found this big teddy bear that I had received from a soccer secret pal in high school (I know - I keep way too much stuff - ha!).  It used to be in my classroom as one of my students' "reading buddies."  After he found it, he put it in his red wagon, then signed "please" to me, for me to put him in the wagon too.  I put him in, buckled them both, then proceeded to pull them around.  I knew I had to get a picture of this.

When I started taking pictures, I had no idea the cuteness that would follow...(Unfortunately, most of the pictures are out of focus, and I hate that, but they are still cute shots, so I had to post them.)

"Hello Mr. Bear.  Will you be my friend?"

"Your nose is so soft."

"Oops, did I hurt you? I'm sorry. I'll kiss it and make it better."

"Come here, big guy."
"Hug it up!"


Isn't he the cutest???  All of that was completely unprompted, I might add.  I didn't tell him to hug or kiss the bear.  He's such a sweetheart!

After lunch, we met my friend, Krystal, and her son, Luke, at Target.  She needed to get out of the house because they just had their carpet cleaned, and we both needed to go to Target, so we met up there.  I, of course, forgot my camera.  Krystal was able to get a picture with her iPhone though.  Aren't they cute little friends?

Today's post is actually getting a little long (sorry!) but we have a lot to share today.  This evening, Logan was still attached to his bear, so I decided to get some video.  The video is a little long though (about 3 1/2 minutes) because he just kept cracking me up and I didn't want to stop videoing.  He was being his normal wild self, so I thought it was a good representation of what our days/evenings are like with this cutie pie.

Tomorrow is Friday.  HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!


Meredith said...

He is so precious!! Cam and I were cracking up watching that video - he is such a busy boy!

Jennifer T said...

I laugh every time I watch the video! What a BUSY little boy! LOVE HIM!!!