February 25, 2010

Things that make me smile..

In no particular order...(except the first one...he's actually first)

My husband.

Being greeted by my puppies when I get home.

Having Bear try to get in my lap when I'm at the computer and demand that I pay attention to him and not the computer.  He gives me kisses and lots and lots of snuggles.  It melts my heart :)

Cooper saying goodbye to me in the morning.  He always gets up from wherever he's laying when he hears me get my keys to unlock the door.  He practically walks me out the door.  So cute!


Hugs and "I love you"s from my students.

Looking at pictures of good memories with friends and family.


A shiny sink.

Vacuumed carpets.

My husband (he deserves 2 spots)

An empty laundry basket (ok so that WOULD make me smile, but unfortunately I don't usually get to experience it - haha)


Ice cream.

Summer break.

Babies (did I say that one already?)


Thinking about college and Aggie football games (even if we don't win very many of them).

Bunco.  Even though I never win :)

Thinking about all the blessings I have because of the family I was born into and the family I have married into.


Girl Scout Cookies - caramel delights, peanut butter patties & thin mints.

The Pioneer Woman and all of her crazy stories and delicious recipes.

Spring Break.

My Grandma's fried chicken.

Thinking about the day I married the man God so graciously gave to me.

Thinking about spending the rest of my life and having a family with the wonderful man God so graciously gave to me.

Tough days can so easily blind us from all the beautiful/special/happy things in life.  I thought I needed a list I could go to when I need that little reminder that life isn't all that bad, so there it is.  It's not a complete list, but it's a good reminder.  What makes you smile??

February 22, 2010

Up to something...but not much

Just like I never thought I'd blog so much in the beginning, I also never thought I'd let almost a month go by without updating.  What happened to me doing something?!?!

Well, I'll tell you what happened...I got sick, then got an ear infection/sinus infection that caused my eardrum to burst.  Of course, that would also take place when my husband's wonderful boss (who also happens to be his Uncle - btw, I'm blaming this whole thing on him - ha!) decided to send him out of town (which he doesn't do all that often).  I've decided that he's not allowed to leave anymore because every time he does, something terrible happens (If someone could kindly pass that on to his boss/uncle, I'd appreciate it. Thanks! Haha!).  Anyway, that was 2 weeks ago, and I still have ringing in my ear.  Fortunately, I feel a million times better, but the ringing sure is getting old!  It is amazing how unmotivated a person becomes when they don't feel good.  I have started a few posts, but never had enough energy to see them to the end.  Then, when I've tried to go back to them, I'm just not feeling the same way about the post and can't seem to finish it out.  I'm sure my lack of  blogging has caused my readers to go from 10 down to 3.  Ha!  Sorry guys!!

Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot to update on the extreme makeover cleaning edition as I haven't completed any other rooms.  However, I've done a pretty good job of maintaining (which that in & of itself is huge for me).  I wish I could say I've had a shiny sink all this time, but when I got sick, I slacked off & the kitchen got a little cluttered.  However, over the last two weekends I've managed to get it back into shape and the sink shining continues!

I have to be honest though, I do need some help on the bible reading front.  I've really slacked on this one, and it's the one I really should be able to put forth all of the effort.  I'm a whole book behind right now.  Hopefully though I can spend some extra time on it this week and get myself caught back up.  Pray for motivation & actually thinking about it and planning it into my day.  Sometimes the reason I haven't done it has just simply been because I haven't thought about it.  I need to try to be more intentional.

Sorry this is such a boring post.  I wish I had more for you, but I'm just not inspired right now.  I didn't want people to think I had completely abandoned them though, so I thought I'd just give a quick update :)  Also, if there are lots of mistakes or if my writing seems terrible in this post, please forgive me (not that it's ever great...my husband is the writer of the family).  I am probably not going to take the time to re-read and edit this post as much as I usually try to do.

Well I hope everyone's February has been a good one.  Crazy to think it's almost over!!