January 10, 2012

Day 10

I am mad at myself again.  Today we had a lunch get-together with my morning women's bible study group.  Two of my friends in it also have little boys (age 8 months and 5 months).  We like to think our little boys are "friends" even though they can't really interact all that well :)

Well, this morning I thought, "what a perfect picture idea."  I had planned to take my camera and get a picture of the boys "playing" together.  Well, I almost forgot my camera, but actually remembered it at the last minute.  Then, once I got there, I COMPLETELY forgot about it all together.  It wasn't until I got home that I remembered :(  I'm so sad.  So you will just have to imagine a cute picture of our 3 boys.

However, I do have pictures for you. I had a meeting to go to tonight that was actually at my parent's house, and my Dad wasn't allowed to be there, so he came over to hang out with Logan and Brandon while my Mom and I were at our meeting. (Did you just love that superlong run-on sentence? Ha!)  I took a couple pictures of Logan really quickly before I left, and then my sweet hubby took a few more while I was gone.  So here are a few pictures of Logan hanging out with Daddy & Papa (although Daddy was taking the pictures, so there are none with him)...

Logan pretending he won't eat so Papa will feed him...silly boy!

Climbing in his rocking chair (it was mine when I was little).

 Talking to Aunt MarMar on the phone

Reading with Papa

I don't know exactly what he was doing, but by the look on Logan's face I like to think that he is trying to tell Papa he's not doing it right and he needs to start over.  Ha!

I think it's safe to say that Logan had a fun evening  with Daddy & Papa.  The only thing I heard from either of them that Logan got upset about was wanting to stay outside.  He has started putting Brandon's shoes on Brandon's feet, then holding his arms up for Brandon to pick him up, then once he does, Logan motions towards the door and if Daddy doesn't comply with his request, Logan can get very upset.  This is something I definitely need to remember to get video of and post one day :)

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