May 8, 2011

My First Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, our church does child dedications, so we decided to have Logan dedicated that day.  We were very blessed to be surrounded by many members of our family and friends.  Unfortunately, by the time the service was over, Logan was tired, and not a happy camper, so we elected not to take a picture with everyone.  Here are a few from the service though.  We just don't have a picture of all of those who came to support us.

The verse we chose for Logan is Colossians 1:9-12 (NIV)
"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light."

After the service we went home and had lunch with our families.  We were able to get a few photos before Logan had to go down for his nap and then a few more after he napped.

This is my favorite...

Logan & some of his biggest fans...

I did not know what to expect for my first mother's day or how I would feel, but it was a great day and I'm so glad that I am Logan's mother.  It kind of felt like every day since becoming a mother has felt - it's the absolute best.  It is kind of fun to be celebrated for a day (and of course to celebrate the other wonderful mothers in my life), but really just the blessing of being a mom is the best gift of all.  I'm overwhelmed each day with the best feelings of love, gratitude, and joy for this wonderful gift God has given me!

May 7, 2011

5 Months


You are 5 months old!  You sure have been up to a lot this month and are still growing way too fast!

You rolled over from your back to your tummy for the first time when Grandma was babysitting on April 15th.  Mommy was sad she missed it, but you did it for me 2 days later (Daddy was out of town, so he missed it again - poor Daddy!).  I was so proud of you!  You actually did it sooner than that, but it was when you were in bed in the middle of the night, so I didn't get to see it then either.  Now, you are rolling all over the place!  You are so cute when you do it too.  As you roll from your back to your tummy you fold your arms and tuck them so they do not get in the way when you roll over.  Such a smart boy!

You have been working soooo hard to sit up.  I knew it would happen any day this month.  In the last 2 weeks you have been getting really good at it.  You can sit on your own for a few seconds, but as soon as you get interested in something it causes you to wobble.  Pretty soon we're going to have a full sitter on our hands :)

This week you got sick for the first time.  It has been hard on Mommy to see you sick, but it doesn't seem to have phased you too much.  You really have only had a cough and a little bit of congestion.  We are so blessed that you are such a happy baby, even when you are not feeling your best!

Your hair is getting very long.  You need a hair cut, but Mommy just isn't ready for that yet.  You are her baby, and getting a hair cut is just too much of a "big boy" thing.  One day, after your bath, Mommy was playing with your hair and decided to try to give you a Mohawk.  However, your hair gets curly when it is wet, and it just would not stick up.  What resulted was very cute, but made you look a little too pretty, so we probably won't be doing that again :)

You keep figuring out different sounds that you can make and you do them over and over.  Right now, it's screeching at the top of your lungs.  Almost so high that only the dogs can hear.  Ha!  Other sounds that you have figured out how to make are spitting, coughing (on purpose), grunting and sometimes it sounds like you are trying to make the "mama" and "dada" sounds even though I know those have no meaning to you yet.

The dogs have become one of your new favorite things.  You have really taken notice of them this month.  If they are near, you reach out to try to touch/grab them and if they are playing and fighting you are mesmerized as you watch them.

As much as Mommy wishes it was not the case, you seem to LOVE the TV and anything electronic for that matter.  Anytime there's a TV on you're very interested in it.  And, you love the iPhone.  Gigi and Papa both have one and when they share it with you, you get very excited!

Here you are watching Top Gear with Daddy

Here you are trying to take Gigi's iPhone from Poppy

Your first Easter was this month.  It will be a little while before you understand the importance of this holiday, but it was fun nonetheless.  Ms. Melodee dressed you up as an Easter bunny and you were soooo cute!  The cutest one I've ever seen ;-)

You have been teething like crazy this month.  The drool pours out of your mouth and you will grab anything and stick it straight into your mouth.  Gigi bought you the Sophie the Giraffe teething toy and you LOVE her.  Unfortunately, we took her shopping with us and you dropped her out of the stroller somewhere, and we never found her.  Lucky for you though, Gigi spoils you and she bought you new one.

You also got to meet one of Mommy's favorite bloggers - Ree Drummond - The Pioneer Woman!  She had a book signing in Houston the Friday before your 5 month birthday for her children's book that she wrote about her dog Charlie .  You, Mommy and Gigi all got to go and it was so much fun! 

You are sleeping much better now and pretty much sleep from 10:00 to 6:30.  Sometimes you'll wake up between 4:30-5:30, but all you need is your pacifier back in your mouth and you go back to sleep.  On the weekends, you eat around 6:30 and then go right back to sleep and usually sleep until around 9:00.  It is very nice for Mommy and Daddy!  During the week though Mommy has to get you up and take you to Ms. Melodee's so Daddy and I can go to work.

Papa has already bought you a real fishing pole.  He sure is ready for you to get bigger so he can take you on your first fishing trip.  Mommy is not ready yet though!
Your first vacation has been booked as well.  On June 30th, you will get to go on an airplane to visit your Great Grandma Johnson in Cape Cod.  Grandma and Papa will be going too.  Everyone is very excited!

You are so much fun and bring so much joy into our lives!  I thank God for you every day and am so proud to be your mom!  I love you so much sweet boy!
