January 6, 2012

Day 6

My sister stayed with us the week of Thanksgiving and while she was here, she taught Logan to say "more" in sign language.  Since then I have also taught him "please", and "thank you".  He is now pretty good at using them, especially "please".  I think though, to him, it mostly means "I want" instead of "please".  When he does them, it is just so cute, you can hardly say no to it.  For "thank you" he does need you to tell him to say it after he is given something/helped/etc. He has not started doing that on his own without prompting.

Today, I decided to try to capture some of it with the camera.  I just took still pictures, and will eventually get some video.

He has somewhat made up his own versions of them, but he's got the right idea, so we've just gone with it.  For "please", you are supposed to make a circle on your chest but he usually does it around his hip or stomach and for "thank you", you are supposed to touch your chin with your fingers and pull them down away from it.  He wipes the side of his cheek instead (this may be due to some confusion with blowing kisses).  To do "more" you touch your fingers together and pull them apart and repeat, which is pretty much how he does it. (I'm not the best at explaining how to do it, but I'm sure there are websites or videos somewhere if you're really curious about the proper way to make the signs.)



Thank You

Poor baby is also having some pain in his mouth, likely due to molars coming.  I haven't seen anything, but he is wanting to bite & chew things constantly.  We went through a lot of teethers today & I got a couple pics, so I thought I'd include those too. (If you happened to read my blog post when I first posted it, you missed this because I added it later. So if you see this some other time and wonder how you missed it the first time, you didn't - it wasn't there.  Ha!)

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