February 22, 2012

My New Hobby

So I think I've found a hobby!  Thanks to my friend, Tracy, I now know how to make SUPER cute sugar cookies.  What's even better is that they taste awesome too!!

Yesterday I made the dough, cut the cookies and baked them.  I chose to do cowboy boots and hats since "Go Texan Day" is on Friday (I got the cookie cutters for this from the last Pioneer Woman book signing that I went to, so I'm glad I finally got to use them!)  I thought they turned out pretty good for my first attempt, and not feeling 100% confident that I knew exactly what to do.

Then today, my friend Tracy, had me (and some of the other MOPS Mommas in our group) over to show us how to do the icing.  She showed us how to make the icing and how to ice the cookies.  Then she had some cookies for us to practice with.  It was lots of fun!

After we finished, I had to get Logan home for his lunch and a nap, but I couldn't wait to start icing my cookies.  Once Logan went down, I got to work!  I did all the brown first...

This is definitely one of those things that takes practice and you have to learn to get a feel for the right consistency for the icing.  I did the brown a little too thick, but I think I have a better feel for it for next time around :)

Then I added some pink, and finished it up with some details...

I thought they turned out pretty good for my first time.  I am somewhat of a perfectionist for things like this, so I definitely wished I had done a better job, but I'm proud of them.  I know that each time I will get better and can't wait to keep making more!

Oh, and I am now accepting orders ;-)  Haha! Just kidding...maybe... :)

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