February 28, 2012

Day 59

I know every mom thinks their child is the smartest baby ever.  Of course.  I mean, how can one not?  Everything new they do must mean they are smart beyond their yearsdays, right? Ok, so in all seriousness though.  I do think my child is super smart.  Now, how he compares with other children his age, I don't know.  But, I don't really care.  In my mind he's smart and that's all that matters ;-)

Today, he was playing with his shape sorter, and he has gotten so good at placing them in correctly and I'm pretty certain he knows what some of the shapes are already and knows where they are supposed to go.  Maybe it's just luck, but I'm his mom, so I'm going to say it's because he's just that smart :)

Also, this picture was just too cute not to share...

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