February 19, 2012

Just what the Doctor ordered...

Today was a wonderful Sunday.  Just what the Doctor - aka The Great Physician - ordered.  God just really knows what we need, when we need it.

This morning didn't start the way I would have liked it, but once we got to church, that all changed.  One of the songs during worship this morning was this...

As much as I know He loves us, I still sometimes need to be reminded.  God uses music so much to minister to me and I feel like it's such a beautiful way to be reminded of whatever it is that I need to remember.  So if you're needing this reminder today, feel free to listen to it as many times as you need :)

After church, we came home, had leftovers for lunch (but leftover homemade chicken & dumplings is delicious, so I don't mind those kinds of leftovers!!), then we headed to Home Depot to meet my Dad to pick out handles for Logan's toy box and to pick out paint colors for our bedroom (so excited about finally doing something with the master bedroom!).

 Logan enjoyed leading Papa all around!

Logan took a good nap once we got home and I got a few things done around the house.  Once Logan woke up, we got a little play time in, then I made a yummy dinner of crispy ranch chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes while Brandon played with Logan.  It was so yummy!!

After dinner, Brandon played with the munchkin for a little bit more while I cleaned the kitchen.  Then we took a family walk.  It was really nice!

Once Logan was down for the night, Brandon & I enjoyed a cup of coffee (decaf for me so I can sleep tonight - ha!) while watching one of our shows.

Now, I'm just catching up on some blog stuff, and getting excited about all this next week has in store - bible study, dinner with my MOPs Mommas, cookie making party (so super excited about this!), small group at our house, and a playdate.

So I've got a full tummy, a full heart, and a clean kitchen.  Can't think of a better way to start the week! :)

Ps. I'm all caught up on Logan's daily posts! Yay!!! So if you missed any, just scroll down. I'm pretty proud of myself for making it 50 days so far! Only 316 left to go :)


Jennifer T said...

Sounds like a perfect little family day! Love it!

Jennifer T said...
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