February 19, 2013

I am having a girl...

I know, you just read the title and are thinking...umm, haven't you known that for like 15 weeks now?  Yes, yes I have.  However, it just really hit me.  I'm so very excited, but also so very nervous and scared.  I was terrified when I found out we were having a boy when I was pregnant with Logan as I didn't have brothers, or a lot of guy friends growing up and I just wondered how in the world I would make it as a mom of a boy.  I have LOVED every second of it.  Of course, I haven't hit all of the challenges and he definitely does boy things that I just don't understand (like making up games of running into walls and falling down on purpose, only to get up and do it again.  I don't get it. Ha!).  But, now that we're having a girl, I'm so used to life with an energetic, smart, handsome, silly, sweet little boy that I'm not so sure I know what to do with a girl anymore.
I was just reading a friend's blog about a new book that is out by a popular blogger.  The book is called Sparkly Green Earrings and is about this blogger raising a daughter.  At first, I was unaffected by this, but then I got to the end of my friend's post and she said this...
"This book made me look forward to the life stages to come with Ellie. Look forward to and/or dread. But mostly, I look forward to them. I realized as I was reading how truly, madly, deeply, I love my girl and I am so thankful that God has given her to me to raise. As I finished the very last paragraph of the last chapter of the book, I heard Ellie's cries as she woke up from her nap. I finished the book, went into her room, pulled her into the rocking chair and we rocked and snuggled and sang songs and I just felt so encouraged. I may need to read the book once a year just to remind myself that I will get through it."
That may not sound like anything big, or all that emotional, or whatever, but for me - it just hit me.  I realized "I'm having a girl" and I'm going to love her as much as I love Logan, and God has given her (and Logan) to ME. ME!  I got a little emotional over this and the realization that came with it.  Wow, just wow!  Seriously, how did I get so blessed?
I had not planned to purchase the book as I haven't been a regular reader of this woman's blog, but now I'm thinking I just might have to do that.  I am going to need all the help and encouragement I can get in this new journey raising a little girl.
I still may not know what in the world I'm going to do with a girl, but to be fair, I still really don't know what I'm doing with a boy.  All I do know is that God gave me these two blessings and I will do my best to love them, and raise them in a way that is pleasing in God's eyes.  I will definitely snuggle Logan a little tighter when he wakes up from his nap (if he'll let me - ha!) and cherish how close my sweet little girl is right now because before I know it she'll be here, and before I know it again, she'll be grown and I'll be missing theses days when she is always with me.
I love you sweet Abigail and I am so thankful God gave you to me!


Meredith said...

You will love having a girl! They are so much fun! And you should def read Sparkly Green Earrings - I'm reading it now and it's great!

Melissa Nevill said...

I felt the same way when we found out I was having a boy the 2nd time. Your little girl will be your best friend.