March 23, 2010

Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek of one of the things I've been working on...

It also happens to be something I haven't seen since probably October.  It is my closet floor.  I know, that's really sad that it's been that long since I've seen it.  I'm very embarrassed to even admit that, but I am proud to admit that it makes me very happy every time I walk in there!  My stress level drops a tad every time :)

In other news, I discovered this week that I must be neglecting my of them has picked up a very bad habit.  I'm guessing it must have come from the annoying, and un-parented dogs that live behind us...
I mean I know life is stressful as a dog of a family that loves and cares for it, but I didn't think it was so bad it would turn one to smoking! Ha!


Jennifer T said...

Is my sweet Bear going through a rebellious stage? Surely not! He's sooooo cute!

Congrats on the closet clean-up!! That is a GREAT feeling when you get it done!

Meredith said...

That picture is cracking me up!