March 29, 2010

Busy, but Blessed!

Things seem to get busier and busier as a lot of you can relate, I'm sure.  I just love weekends, and I really don't know what I would do without them.  They are a time to relax, rejuvenate and get some of those things done that there just is not time for during the week.

Friday night, I enjoyed a date night with my hubby at Chili's.  And, what made it even better -- we had gift cards, so it didn't even cost us anything!  Does it get much better than that?  I think not!!  It was a wonderful evening!

Saturday we were able to pay off the remaining balance on the loan for my car, which was almost 3 years and 3 months to the day that I bought it.  I can't tell you how awesome it is to know we do not have to send that check each month anymore.  We also ran some other errands that morning, and then prepared for some sweet friends to come over for dinner.  We had fajitas, talked, enjoyed each others' company, and I even got some play time with their sweet baby boy (he's 9 months and oh-so-cute).

Sunday we went to church and Sunday school.  It was a great time to be rejuvenated spiritually.  Then, we went out to lunch with a bunch of friends from our class.  It was beautiful weather and we were able to sit outside and enjoy our meal.  We then came home, took a short nap, and accomplished a few tasks around the house that were needing to be done.  I cleaned the kitchen from our dinner, got some laundry done, but mostly I was able to finish up our guest room.  It used to be the one room in our house that was always clean, but then my clutter managed to find it's way into it this summer.  Over spring break I organized the closet, but there was still a lot of clutter in the room.  I managed to get rid of the clutter, vacuum, put fresh sheets on the bed, and now the room is fit for guests (just in time since my BIL & SIL are coming on Thurs)!  Here are a few pictures...

I know the room may not look all that special to most people, and may not look all that nicely decorated, but it is actually a very special room to me.  All of the furniture belonged to my Grandma (except the small round table in the corner).  The sewing machine was hers, as was a lot of the other little "decorations" in the room.  The quilt was handmade by my Grandma, the paintings were painted by my Aunt (but hung in my Grandma's home), and if you look closely at the mirrored dresser/vanity (whatever you call it), there is a handkerchief that my Grandma gave to my mom when she married my dad, and that I also carried when I got married. 

I know this post is probably a tad boring to everyone else, but it was just a great weekend for us, so I thought I would document it.  With all the busyness of work/school, it is nice to have the time on the weekend to just enjoy each other, friends and family.  I am very blessed, and very thankful for the wonderful life that God has given me!

1 comment:

K. McDonald said...

Carissa--I am so impressed with your hard work--I wish I had the energy. :) --Kelly