January 23, 2010


See this picture?

That is The Pioneer Woman.  Isn't she beautiful?  If you don't know who she is, you should get to know her.  I want to be just like her when I grow up!  Oh wait...I'm supposed to already be grown up...well she has mad skills such as cooking, photography, blogging and many other things that I would love to have!  Maybe one day...

Anyway, back to the photograph.  I took that photograph back on December 5th when I went and waited a measly 7 hours with my sweet friend Erica to get to meet her and have her sign my cookbook.  Here's proof:


Ok, so I keep getting sidetracked...back to the reason I'm showing you this and telling you all this even though it happened months ago. If you search for The Pioneer Woman on Facebook, you will see that her profile picture is the picture I took of her.  I can't believe it!  I got so excited I think I screamed and scared my husband.  I just remembered I could take a screenshot so for those of you that don't have Facebook, take a look...

I also really want to pick up the phone and call someone, but it's midnight, and I don't think anyone would appreciate a phone call this late about something like that.  Can I just shout for a minute instead????  THE PIONEER WOMAN IS USING A PICTURE I TOOK OF HER ON HER FACEBOOK PROFILE!!  I'M SOOOO EXCITED :)  Thanks, I needed to get that out!

Don't you think I should get an invitation to her ranch for that?  I do!  Ha!  Some of you may think that sounds a little crazy and stalkerish, but I want to participate in her fun cooking parties that she has.  (She is actually doing a giveaway for that right now and I completely forgot, so I may have missed the cutoff for entering, but I never win on her site anyway.)

I just realized you may be wondering how in the world she even got the photograph, but I actually emailed her a couple photographs because 1. I thought they were decent, and 2. she didn't have any of her friends or family with her at the Houston signing like she had at the others, so I know she didn't get as many pictures with her own camera.  I thought she might want some, so I shared.  I also posted them on my Facebook and tagged her in them, so she could have also found it that way.

Anyway, I know it's totally silly, but I'm super excited!  That just made my day, week, month, and practically year (since it's really only been a month)!

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