January 23, 2010


Sometimes the choices we have to make as adults really (pardon my language) suck!  I don't want to have to choose between spending time with my husband, different parts of our families, friends, time with God, to do lists, work, etc.  There are so many things in our lives that feel important and they feel like things we should do.  But, there's not enough time to do all of those things, so we have to prioritize.

Our ABF (adult Bible fellowship - the new term for Sunday school class) recently had one of our pastors come and do a series with us called Extreme Makeover: Family Edition.  Pastor Greg talked with us about setting priorities, our purpose, and planning.  One of the things he said about priorities has really stuck with me.  He said that if you make plans with your husband or family, put it on the calendar and if Pastor Dave (our head pastor) calls and wants to come to dinner that night, should you cancel your family plans?  I was thinking wow that's a really tough decision.  His response was that if you cancel your family plans "you said yes to something good, and ruined the best thing."  (He also said that sometimes we do have to make those choices, but what he said was important about making changes mid-course was to decide the rules ahead of time.)

I'm just really struggling with balancing all of the relationships and roles in my life.  I only have so much time and energy to give, and I want so badly to be the perfect child of God, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher.  No matter how hard I try though, I'm going to fall short because I am not perfect.  Because of sin I, cannot be perfect on this earth.  I want to be able to attend every family event, celebrate every birthday & holiday together.  I want to be able to hang out with my friends every time they call, text, or invite me to something, but I can't.  I also want to spend every moment possible with the man that I love, and that God has given to me as my husband.  Unfortunately, I also have to go to work, keep a reasonably clean house (which I'm still working on but with much success), cook dinner, do laundry, check emails, etc.  I have to make choices.

Right now, as silly as this may sound to some, I really feel like God has laid it on my heart to get my life together at home, and little by little that will carry over into the other relationships/roles in my life.  I know that having a clean house doesn't make me a better Christian, but if having a clean house makes me and my husband feel better when we get home from work, so that we can actually enjoy our time together, that is honoring my husband and honoring God.  As Christians, we are called to minister to our husband (or wife) & children.  If we are busy trying to save the rest of the world, but neglect our own families then we haven't completely done what God has called us to do.  Not everyone's mission field will be the same.  Sometimes in addition to ministering to your family, you will be called to another city or country, sometimes it may be in your workplace or even your neighborhood, and sometimes, even if just for a season, it may only be in your home.  God needs people in all of those areas so having a ministry in one of those areas isn't better than a ministry in a different one of those areas.

Something else that we were challenged to do by Pastor Greg in our Extreme Makeover: Family Edition class was to write a family mission statement.  We actually did this!  Unfortunately, we wrote it back in September, but haven't made it a part of us, and truly chosen to live by it.  That is something that I hope to work on.  I'd like to share it with you so that maybe I can be more accountable to live by the words we have chosen. 

We exist to glorify God by dedicating ourselves to being passionate for God, by giving ourselves to each other in a loving and respectful way, by shepherding, educating, and inspiring our children through benevolent authority and laughter, by being an example of Christ to those around us, and by serving and encouraging spiritual growth in others.  

So to all of my friends and family, I'm sorry I have not been the best and have not lived up to my family mission statement, but I'm working on it.  Please don't be offended if I have to decline an invitation.  It doesn't mean you aren't important, because you are.  I'm working on getting things in order so that it is a lot easier for me to accept invitations :)  If you want me for a Saturday morning though, you might want to ask me well in advance.  I've still got a few dates with my duster set up. Ha!  (Speaking of duster dates, I will be posting an update soon about today's progress.)

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