You are 6 months old! At your 6 month check up you were 18 pounds, 14 oz (but Mommy is saying 19 because you had a stomach virus, that caused you to lose a little weight) (76th%), you were 27 1/2 inches long (85th%), and your head circumference was 17 inches (46th%). You are such a big boy, and Mommy is so proud of you!
You are a full time sitter, and are rolling all over the place now. You have no problem getting from your back to your tummy, then to your back again. If you see something you want, you will roll to try to get it. I can tell we are going to have a crawler on our hands very soon!
I love when you reach your arms out to me (or Daddy, or whoever you are wanting) to be picked up. I'm sure that will get old eventually, but I am surprised you already know how to ask to be picked up.
When you do something new or touch something for the first time you let out the loudest squeals. It cracks me up, and I always run to get the video camera, but by the time I get it, the excitement is over.
I feel so blessed that you are such a happy boy. You just love to smile, laugh and talk. Peekaboo has become a fun game for everyone and it just cracks you up. This also cracks me up and I could play it all day with you! (please ignore my voice in the video - thanks!)
I usually rock you before bedtime until you are very sleepy and then I put you in your crib. However, lately you have decided you don't like this as much anymore. You often fight and fuss when I sit in the rocker with you, but once I put you down in your crib, you usually roll over and go to sleep pretty quickly. Sometimes you will talk and play with your paci, but usually you are out within 10 minutes. It makes me sad that you don't want your Mommy to rock you any more, but I'm proud of my big boy. You are growing up so fast!
You have learned to put your pacifier back in your mouth all by yourself! That is something Mommy and Daddy are very excited about!
You have figured out how to take your bib off, and not just by yanking on it. You have figured out that you can reach behind you and unfasten the velcro. What a smart boy! But, it sure does make things more difficult for Momma! Thankfully, you have not started doing that often.
You are saying "mama" more and more. I still don't think you associate it with me specifically. I think you use it when you are wanting something or someone.
This month as been the month of sickness for you. You started it sick, with a cough and congestion. We had to give you medicine for the first time, and you were a champ at taking your medicine. We did not have to fight to give it to you at all. We would just put the dropper with the medicine in your mouth and you quickly learned to suck the medicine out of the dropper. That made for little to no clean up for Mommy and Daddy! Then you ended it with a stomach virus. Mommy felt so bad for you. You were really tough though and you were still a happy baby for the most part.
You had your first taste of rice cereal this month and you LOVED it. It was almost as if you had been eating it from the day you were born. You are a pro! (again, please ignore my voice in the video-thanks!)
You now have TWO teeth. Your first tooth started to push through on Saturday, May 28th. Your second tooth was not far behind and decided to start making it's appearance the Wednesday after on June 1st. Now, when you smile, you show off your two teeth! You look like such a big boy now.
One night, Mommy and Daddy put you to bed with your hair still wet from your bath. This is how you woke up. It stayed like that for most of the day because when I picked you up from Ms. Melodee's you still had a little bit of it left. You are too cute!
This month, you rode in the child seat of the shopping basket for the first time! You did pretty good, but Mommy isn't sure you were quite ready for it yet because it wasn't long until you were lounging in it from being tired of sitting up. You did great though!
You also had your first visit to Smash Burger (one of Mommy's favorite burger places), and you REALLY wanted Daddy's burger.
Aunt MarMar had a baby shower for your new cousin that will be here in a few months and you got to go. You did really well the whole time, hardly fussed and even took a short nap.
Here you are trying ouy your little cousin's new Aggie chair to make sure it's comfy enough for him/her. I think you really like it!
Here are a few more pictures of you from this month that I love!
I cannot believe that 6 months ago, I met you for the first time. It has gone by so fast, yet I can hardly remember what life was like without you and certainly can't imagine it without you ever again. You bring so much joy to me, Daddy and lots of other family and friends. I love you very very much sweet boy and every day my love grows even more. I never knew it was possible to love this much!

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