You are 7 months old! You are about 20 pounds now, and growing and changing EVERY day! It is going way too fast for Mommy, but I am proud of all you do!
Two days after your 6 month birthday, you started "army crawling." Mommy was not sure she was ready for it, but I can't help but be excited when you do something new. Since then, you have been constantly on the move! You are getting faster and faster, and are trying to crawl with your tummy off the floor now. You like to go over to the dogs, but especially after the dog bones! You cry whenever Mommy takes the bones away, but those are for Bear and Cooper to chew, not you. Ha!
"It's OK Cooper, it won't hurt when I take your bone."
"Almost got it!"
"Uh oh! Surrounded."
Mommy never thought it would happen so early, but she and Daddy have already had to start disciplining this month. You have been going over to the fireplace and pulling on the gate we have in front of it. For a few days we would tell you "no" and move you away from it, but you continued to go over there, sometimes even looking to see if we were watching first. I see lots of other battles in our future, but it's all part of growing up and learning to make good choices. Hopefully Mommy & Daddy can do a good job of teaching you how to make the right choices.
You had such an event filled month this month. You went swimming for the first time in Grandma and Papa's pool. You LOVED it! (except when Papa dunked you - you do not like getting your face wet!) See this post for pictures.
Your feet are in constant motion - you are such a monkey! You almost always need them to be touching something, or playing with something. Often, you will have a toy in your hands but will also use your feet to play with another toy! It cracks everyone up!
Mommy tried giving you a sippy cup to see how you would do. However, you seem to prefer to use it as a teether, rather than try to drink what is in it. Oh well! We'll keep trying, and maybe one day you will figure it out :)
As you can tell from most of the photos, since it's summer, we spend a lot of our days in just PJs. Plus, with as much as you are scooting around, it helps to keep your knees and legs from getting carpet burns.
You started eating vegetables this month and you have enjoyed everything you have tried. You have had squash, carrots, green peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes (in that order). You do not seem to have a favorite, and will pretty much eat anything we put in your mouth.
You went to your very first wedding, and you were super! The wedding was for Mommy's second cousin (Papa's cousin's daughter), Amy. You did not make a peep the entire ceremony, and did great at the reception as well.
Cousin Melissa helping to keep you entertained
Uncle Mark and Aunt MarMar
Napping in Papa's arms...such an angel!
Dancing with the beautiful bride
Your favorite sound this month has been "bah." You like to change the way you say it too. Sometimes it's a quick "bah!" and other times its a long "baaaaaah." It is pretty cute and funny!
You got to take your very first trip on an airplane and you met your Great Grandma Johnson (your mommy's Grandma). She was excited to meet her first great grandchild and the first boy in her family in over 60 years!
You loved Grandma J's necklaces - she called you a jewel thief. Ha!
Grandma and Papa also went on the trip with us, and you loved having so much time to spend with them. Grandma taught you how to make "Indian" calling noises and Papa introduced you to lots of new things outside. You did NOT like the grass at first, but you eventually warmed up to it. (more pictures and video in the Cape Cod post to come)
It has been a busy month and Mommy is enjoying every second with you! I love watching you grow and experience new things. You are such a joy! I love you very very much!!

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