March 11, 2013

39 Weeks

39 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I was up 38 at my appointment last Tuesday which was shocking because I thought it'd be more.  I'm pretty sure I'm up at least 40 now though.  I will be shocked again if it's not at least that much.  My appointment is tomorrow morning, so I will know for sure then.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a watermelon (no wonder I'm so huge! ha!)! - approximately 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds.  I'm going to throw out a guess and say she's getting close to 8 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yep, but even some of those don't really fit.  I'm that huge.  Ha!

Sleep: No changes...not much sleep happenin' here

Movement: Same - mostly just shifts, turns and stretches.  She's running out of room :)  She's also very sweet to kick/punch in some unpleasant places.  Sometimes I'm afraid she's going to break my water when she does it.  Ha!

Cravings/Aversions: Just food in general.  I'm just hungry and want to eat all the time.  Of course, I'm not hungry for the healthy stuff though

What I Miss: Same - Sleep, having energy, and being able to be on my feet for longer periods of time so I can actually accomplish stuff.

Gender: Our sweet little girl - Abigail!

Mood: Doing better, getting things checked off the list is helping tremendously :)

Milestones: 9 weeks ago, if you asked me, I would have thought she would already be here by now, but she still seems content to just hang out.  I'm so thankful though that we've made it this far.

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: I had the crazy spots this evening, and when I took my blood pressure it was high.  Thankfully it was right before Brandon was leaving work, and Logan played pretty independently so I could lay down on the cough and rest.  The spots went away, but my blood pressure was still high.  Once Brandon got home I went to lay down in our bed.  So thankful he took care of Logan for me tonight.  It's still slightly elevated, but I've been in bed ever since.  I'm also thankful I have a friend that was a L&D nurse and lets me bug her with questions about what I should do.  Hopefully things stay ok  for the rest of the night and I'll see my doctor in the morning.
Everything else is mostly the same - still having some pain, but it's still manageable so I'm VERY thankful for that.
The heartburn is still fairly constant, but I'm thankful that it's not all that severe.
Restless leg is driving me crazy, even during the day. Still having swelling in my ankles (and some in my face) too, but definitely not as bad as it could be.
Stretch marks are still bad and VERY itchy :(
Differences From Past Pregnancy: This whole pregnancy has just been crazy different.  So many more complications, things to worry about and more discomfort/pain than last time.

What I Look Forward To: Things are mostly to a point that I feel like we're ready enough for her to come.  I still have a long list I'd like to accomplish, but really I'm just ready to meet her, hold her and kiss her sweet face.

Anything Else You'd Like to Share:  There were no changes at my appointment last week.  I was still 1 1/2 centimeters.  This was surprising to me considering the amount and strength of contractions I had been having.  I've been having more this week as well, so I'm wondering if things will be changed at all at my appointment tomorrow.  We shall see.  This girl obviously has a plan of her own and I have no idea what it is.  Ha!

To Do List update - the new knobs for the dresser arrived, have been installed and look great!  We got the twin bed and mattress & it is all set up as well.  I am looking into fabric for curtains.  Trying to find some sort of linens for the twin bed.  I got a crib sheet in ivory to match the bedding so the crib is all set.  The rocker is in the room.  We rearranged furniture in our room to accommodate the pack n play.  My and Abigail's bags are packed.  Logan's is partially packed.  If you missed my last post about my CHAOS it has some more updates on Brandon's office and other cleaning/organizing stuff we've been up to.

Here's a pic from Saturday...can you believe it?  That is not a basketball or pillow or any other object.  That is my real actual belly right now.  Ha! (Crazy side note - that shirt isn't even a maternity shirt, yet it fits better than some of my maternity shirts.  So funny!)

Also, Logan wanted a picture too, so we took some together :)  Most of them didn't turn out great, but here's one of him "cheese"ing for the camera.  Ha!


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