November 26, 2012

24 Weeks

24 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I think I may have gained about 4-5 pounds over the last week, but can you blame me? It was Thanksgiving after all ;-)  So that would put me at a total of around 14 pounds up.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a cantaloupe - approximately 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.

Maternity Clothes: Same - all maternity pants, still wearing some regular shirts, but they are starting to get shorter, so I'm starting to wear more maternity shirts as well.

Sleep: Same - not good.

Movement: Yep - I think she already loves Aggie football because she was very active while we were at the game on Saturday.  Love it so much :)

Cravings/Aversions:  Ate lots of wonderful Thanksgiving food this week and it was DELICIOUS!  I only had 1 piece of pumpkin pie though, and I'm a little bit sad about that.  But I probably don't need more anyway ;-)  I'm still having random cravings for Olive garden salad and bread sticks.

What I Miss: Just sleep.

Gender: It's a girl!

Mood: Same - Pretty good, mostly just tired.  No surprise.

Milestones: Making it to 24 weeks.  The baby is now at a point that with medical technology, etc. that should the baby need to come early there is a chance of surviving outside the womb.  That definitely provides a little relief in the anxiety department.

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Same - Lots of Braxton Hicks, some nausea (mostly in the mid morning & late night), little sleep, restless leg, and some heartburn.  No major concerns.

Differences From Past Pregnancy: I didn't really have a whole lot of cravings when I was pregnant with Logan, other than ice cream, so I'd say the fact that I'm having some this time is different.

What I Look Forward To: This weekend I am going to have a weekend away with the hubby.  We are going to the Family Life, Weekend to Remember Conference.  I've heard wonderful things about it for years and this summer we booked it.  It's in San Antonio on the Riverwalk, and I'm really excited!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: Trying not to stress about all that is going on in the next few weeks.

No pic of me this week, but since there hasn't been too much about Logan lately, I have to share this beautiful picture my mother-in-law took of Logan this weekend.  So sweet!  Love this boy so much!!

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