November 5, 2012

21 Weeks

21 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I'm guess 8-9 pounds, but will know for sure on Wednesday.  It's amazing how quickly you can put on weight when you can actually eat.  Ha! :)

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a pomegranate - approximately 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces.

Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants, but wearing a mix of regular & maternity shirts.

Sleep: No good...

Movement: Yes - lots.  The little one was VERY active during the whole A&M game.  I am thinking he/she is going to be a big Aggie fan ;-)

Cravings/Aversions: Still craving chicken & dumplings, and apple pie, but I can now add pumpkin chocolate chip cookies too.  Sunday evening my parents had Logan so Brandon & I could get some stuff ready for a garage sale that we are hopefully going to have, so I also decided to make myself some chicken & dumplings during that time as well.  Took me way longer than I thought, but they were sooo worth it and I ate way more than I should have.  I had some more for lunch today.  Hopefully this will curb that craving because I'm not sure I want to spend that much time making them again in the near future.

What I Miss: Sleep.

Gender: We find out on Wednesday - that is just 2 days away!!

Mood: Pretty good, mostly just tired.

Milestones: Made it to 21 weeks which is when I stopped feeling nauseous with Logan.  There were days I thought I'd never make it this far if I had to be sick this long again.

Medical Concerns: None that I know of, but still having anxiety about every little pain, contraction, weird feeling, etc.  I'm glad we have the ultrasound on Wednesday, so please pray it is a good report so maybe some of my anxiety will be eased.

Differences From Past Pregnancy: At this point in my pregnancy with Logan I was nausea free and feeling pretty good all around.  I'm still having some nausea, but it is WAY better than it was.  I'm starting to have it some in the morning which before I wasn't having a whole lot in the morning, but once it goes away it doesn't usually come back until the later evening.  It's also not as severe and debilitating, so I'm thankful for that.  I have also forgotten to post that I've been having restless leg syndrome this pregnancy.  I don't remember having that with Logan.  I had leg cramps with Logan, so I'm hoping that I don't get those as well :)

What I Look Forward To: Finding out on Wednesday what we're having.  Also hoping that I continue to have some good days, etc. so I can start knocking things off my "nesting" to-do list.

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: Currently having some heartburn.  Hoping it doesn't turn into a regular thing.  Ha!

Also, no picture this week - I forgot and am not camera ready today :)

1 comment:

Andy and Cari said...

Thanks for the comment you left on my post. It was encouraging! Just thought I would drop in and "meet" you. Your little boy is precious and I am now excited to see what you are having now! Congrats!