December 2, 2010

August was a loooong time ago...

It is very hard to believe how quickly time has flown by.  I last posted in August, and now it's December.  Not only is it December, but it's December 2nd - my due date.  No baby yet, but we are so excited and anxiously awaiting his arrival.

Let me update you on what has happened since I last posted...

School started (with the kiddos) August 23, and I am so blessed to have a great group of kiddos with wonderful parents in my class.  I was very worried about this year, knowing that I would be having to leave my kiddos for a while.  I feel so much better about it since I have such a great class and I've got a great sub, so it helps to put my mind at ease knowing things will be ok while I'm gone.

On August 25, Nate Ryan Brothers, was legally declared part of his forever family.  You can view a video below that Erica created that still makes me cry when I watch it.  The Brothers family will always have a special place in my heart.  I feel so honored to have been allowed to share in some of the ups & downs of their journey.

 September 4th, Baby Todd got to experience his very first Aggie football game.  The Aggies beat Stephen F. Austin 48-7, so it was a great game!  I even walked all the way to the top of the zone with my big belly and all.  In fact, I did it 3 times before I had to quit going to the games.  We won all 3 games that I attended, so I think our little one might be a good luck charm.  Ha!

I have also had some wonderful showers thrown by some very sweet friends & family members.  I feel so blessed to have so much love and support from all of our friends and family.

Crystal, Me & Marlene (hostesses for Easterly shower)
Erica & Me
My B1 Ladies
Me & Jordan (Hostess of Church shower)
 My Kinder Team minus Janet (hostesses of my school shower)
My "old" Kinder Team
 Me & Mom
 Meredith, Me & Jennifer
Carol, Me & Susan (Hostesses for Todd shower)

My class was also super sweet and threw me a shower before I left.  However, I don't have any pictures from it.  My homeroom parent and other parents did such a great job.  The kids had a great time and they gave me such thoughtful and helpful gifts.  They definitely went above and beyond anything I could have imagined.  I am very blessed!

On November 14th, we had the privilege of taking some maternity pictures with the wonderful, talented Jennifer.  She is awesome and always does a great job.  She took pictures for us at almost the same time last year, which you can see a few here.  I loved them, and loved the ones she took this time too.  Here are a few of my favorites.  It's really hard to pick though and I don't want to overload you with pictures, so I had to narrow them down.


(The tag is where I had intended to put his name, but since it's still undecided right now, it's blank.  However, Jennifer will photoshop it in for us later :)  She's awesome like that!)

Ok, so I know I said I was going to narrow it down and just share a few...that's a little more than a few...but it was really hard.  There are still more good ones, but I finally had to stop myself.  Ha!

December 2nd - That's today, and also my DUE DATE!  It's a little crazy to think about.  I can't believe that time has flown so quickly.  There were times it felt like it would never get here, but looking back, it really has gone so fast!

Hopefully soon I will be updating everyone with our sweet little boy's arrival.  I cannot wait!!

1 comment:

Carol said...

You're back! Yay! I want you to keep this blog going so I can see what Baby Todd is up to! I read a lot of blogs, and I enjoy them so much.