January 7, 2013

30 Weeks

30 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I think I'm up about 27 pounds, but I've drank a TON of water today so not sure if that's an accurate weight or not.  No big deal either way though.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a cucumber (I'm guessing more length since going from an acorn squash to a cucumber seems weird) - approximately 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds.  Getting bigger (and so am I)!

Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity.

Sleep: Wish I could report that it's better, but it's not.

Movement: She is a mover just like her big brother was.

Cravings/Aversions:  Craving sweets - probably what's helping me add the weight - oops!

What I Miss: Not worrying so much...then again, I've always been a worrier, but more so with this pregnancy.  I need to relax.

Gender: It's a girl!

Mood: Anxious

Milestones: I must have passed my glucose test and I'm 3/4 of the way through the pregnancy.  Crazy!

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Pain in hips/pelvis, restless legs, increase in frequency of heartburn, some nausea, and lots of Braxton Hicks - to the point we went to the hospital last night.  More on that below.

Differences From Past Pregnancy:  About this time with Logan I had to go to the ER because I was seeing spots and having blurred vision.  It was due to elevated blood pressure. This time I ended up at labor & delivery due to too many contractions (again, more details below).

What I Look Forward To: We are attempting to get to work on the baby's room, so I'm looking forward to completing that. I'm also looking forward to finding a name - why is this soooo hard for me??

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: Last night a little before 8:30 I noticed I was having a lot of contractions.  I started timing them and had 6 in an hour.  Before 37 weeks they do not want you to have more than four.  I drank a whole bunch of water and went to bed to try to see if they would subside.  I drank more water, while lying on my left side (what they suggest you do) and over the next hour I had 7.  It was 10:30, and when I called the answering service at my doctor's office, they said the policy was between 10pm-7am to go to the hospital, they don't call the doctor.  I was really upset at the time because I wanted an actual doctor to tell me I needed to go because I didn't want to drive all the way there (it's about 35-45 min away) if it was really nothing.  However, I didn't want to take any risks and I knew I wouldn't sleep anyway unless I had confirmation that all was ok.  So I called my parents, my dad came and stayed with Logan, and Brandon and I headed to the hospital at 11 at night. Oh yay, fun!  We got there and they took us back to a triage room and hooked me up to monitors and checked me.  I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes but I was not dilated.  The nurse said I would have to get a shot to help stop the contractions.  Had we not gone, and the contractions continued it could have developed into real labor.  The nurse said had I waited and had dilation started there would have been no stopping it at that point and I would have delivered a 30 week baby.  So glad we went!  Once I got the shot, we were there for a little over an hour while they monitored the baby & contractions.  The way the medicine made me feel was so not pleasant.  She told me it would make my heart race, and I actually almost passed out sitting in the bed so I had to lay down completely for quite a while before I felt well enough to sit up a little bit.  I was really tired, but I couldn't sleep because it was totally uncomfortable & cold and I could move or it would mess up the monitors.  Normally though, they give 3 shots of the medicine, but apparently I was sensitive to it, and only needed one.  Once the contractions were basically gone, we got to go home.  It was about 2:30, and we got home a little after 3.  I'm so thankful that we went because I know there could be all kinds of complications having a 30 week baby and possibly a really long NICU stay.  I'm still having some contractions today, but not as many.  The nurse said to call my doctor or come back if I was having 5+ an hour.  I have had a couple hours (not back to back) where I've had 3 or 4, but thankfully never 5 and never multiple hours in a row.  I'm trying to rest more (as much as my 2 year old will let me) and not pick up Logan as much.  I've also had about 2 gallons (seriously not exaggerating) of water today as dehydration could have caused the contractions in the first place.  The crazy thing is, I still feel thirsty and I've always heard if you're thirsty you're already dehydrated.  I cannot seem to drink enough.  I'm still nervous it will happen again, so please pray that I can do all that I need to for this sweet girl to keep her in as long as possible.  Plus, we are totally not ready to bring a new baby home.  I have WAY too much to do.

Here is a pic from yesterday after church.

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