April 9, 2012


Logan LOVED Easter this year.  Last year, he was too young, but this year, he totally got the idea of Easter egg hunting.  Although, there was no candy or anything this year, he just enjoyed finding the eggs.  And, he is still too young to understand the real meaning of Easter, but it was fun to see how much he enjoyed looking for and collect the eggs.  I know I'm biased, but he is such a cute, sweet, smart little boy!

He got to hunt Easter eggs twice - once on Saturday and again on Sunday.  The first time he hunted, he set his bucket down, would go get the egg he found, and take it back to his bucket.  Then leave the bucket again to go get some more.  It was so cute!

He moves so fast though it's hard to get good pictures.  Here are a few of the better ones from the weekend (ok - maybe more than a few - in fact, I should probably have a warning on this post - picture overload - ha!).

This is all from Saturday...

Checking out his loot.

Playing video games with Daddy or, rather, trying to steal the remote from Daddy.  Ha!

Easter Sunday...

Getting ready for church.

 Headed to Mawmaw & Pawpaw's for his 2nd Easter egg hunt.

 Throwing his eggs in the bucket.

 Helping Poppy tell Uncle Moose & Aunt Mer to be careful driving back to Austin.

  Logan loved this little cart that Mawmaw had.  He put all his stuff in it and pushed it around everywhere.

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