October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

I'm sure I have lost all 3 of my readers by now but I am hoping this post is the start of me being back to more regular posting (does this sentence even make sense? I'm sure it's not at all grammatically correct, but I'm tired and don't feel like thinking about how to rephrase it).

This summer, I got in this terrible rut because I was behind on a couple posts.  Once I got behind, I felt like I couldn't post other posts until I had published the ones I had started because some of the new posts I wanted to reference the posts I had not yet finished.  So it basically domino-ed.  I have started a BUNCH of posts, but none have been published.

However, I've decided that I am going to start posting about all of the fun things we are up to now.  I will get those unfinished ones posted as I can.  I'll post links to them when I do so those of you that are interested, can go back and view them.  However, it's really more to document for myself, so it won't bother me if no one reads them.

So on to our pumpkin patch visit...

This weekend we took Logan to the pumpkin patch.  He was in "new sensory overload" I think because he was so serious the whole time we were there.  He was very curious and intrigued by the grass, hay, pumpkins and all of the other people that were there.  We could hardly get him to look at the camera, much less smile for us!  I also sounded like quite the idiot, I'm sure, to the other people that were there as I was trying to get him to cooperate.  I was annoying myself, so I know I had to look/sound ridiculous to others.  Ha!

Here are some of the best shots we could get of my cute, sweet, little jack-o-lantern.  I might have gone a little overboard and posted way more than necessary - especially given that we did not get a smile.  But, he's my baby, it's my blog, and I love pictures of him, so I can post as many as I want :)

What most of our pictures of him look like from the trip. Ha! 

"How do you get this thing open?"

"Cheese? I don't get it.  Why am I supposed to say cheese?"

"Wow! Look at this awesome pumpkin!"
"What is this stuff?"

These next few pictures, I think he just looks like a sweet little angel in them.  I know - I'm slightly biased.  Ha!


"Hey! How many more of these pictures do I have to take?"


"I want this one"

 "Gig'em Aggies!"

 "High five! Goooo Aggies!" 

There were no good pictures of the two of us, so this one will have to do.

Also, we failed to even attempt a family picture, so I don't have one of those either.  Oh well!

One last attempt at pictures before we left - still not interested in looking or smiling.  Ha! 

"Are we done yet?"

I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into our "adventure" at the pumpkin patch!  Hopefully, you will be seeing many more posts in the near future!

1 comment:

Jennifer T said...

He was a little stinker! I laugh thinking about the silly stuff we were doing to get him to smile....and nothing worked! But he's still an angel!