August 6, 2011

It's a GIRL!

I am now the proud Auntie of Maryellen Elizabeth!  She was born today at 3:07pm weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces and she is 20 1/4 inches long.  She is beautiful!  Pictures will be coming!

Please keep her and my sister, Marlene, and her husband, Mark, in your prayers.  Maryellen is in the NICU with fluid in her lungs.  Please pray that this is able to be resolved quickly and easily.  Please also pray for peace for Marlene and Mark as they go through this.

Maryellen is a special girl!  She is named after 2 of her grandmothers.  One of Marlene's (and mine!)and one of Mark's grandmothers were named Mary Ellen.  Elizabeth is our Mom's middle name and our Mom's grandmother's middle name.

Ps.  I have started quite a few posts, and have yet to finish them, but I promise they are coming.  I know tomorrow is Logan's 8 month birthday and I never posted his 7 month post, but I will!  I have to finish it all this week since I start school a week from Monday.  Aaaahhh!!

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