The next morning though, I woke up and was already having contractions again before even getting out of bed. I called my doctor's office and left a message with the nurses. A nurse called me back and said she had talked to my doctor and would be sending a prescription for the pill form of the shot I was given at the hospital so I could take it instead of going to the hospital again.
Brandon took yesterday off to stay home to help me out with Logan and whatever else might have been needed. My sister also happened to be in town for the day so she took Logan for a little bit to run some errands for her. I ended up having to call about 10 different pharmacies to get my prescription because my usual one and all the ones around me for whatever reason did not have the particular medication in stock. Finally I found one though, and when it was ready Brandon went to pick it up for me. Before he went, I thought I was going to have to take it as soon as we got it because the contractions seemed to be increasing. However, since the pharmacy wasn't close and it was traffic time, by the time Brandon got back with it I felt things had subsided some and decided to wait to see how things were going after Logan went to bed since the medication makes me feel awful. I ended up not taking it and went to bed. I unfortunately don't sleep the whole night so occasionally while I was awake I would have one contraction, but then nothing else, so I didn't take any medication yesterday. I'm hoping this means the contractions won't continue to be an issue.
I will see my doctor tomorrow for my regular appointment and I'm really glad I'll have a chance to talk about all of this with her and see what she thinks the plan should be from here on out. Hopefully it doesn't involve any bed rest, but obviously I want this sweet girl to stay in as long as possible, so if that's what is necessary then we will do what we need to make it work.
Today, I am by myself with Logan and doing my best to try to rest as much as possible. It is really hard though because I feel like such a bad mommy when I can't be as involved with him. He is currently watching his 2nd show of the morning, and I'm really not a huge fan of TV, so it's making me feel really guilty. It's just my own personal preference, but when we are home, he really only gets on 15 min. show in the morning and one in the evening. When he's elsewhere, I try to view it as a treat and not worry too much about how much he watches, but when we are home, I really like to keep it limited. (This is not in anyway to say if someone reading this watches more with their kiddo that it is wrong, it's just not for us) Even though Logan understands a lot, he still isn't really old enough to completely understand why Mommy can't do some things and it hurts my heart when he gets upset because I can't do something he wants. I also don't want to tell him I can't do things because of the baby because I don't want him to start having any sort of resentment towards the baby, so it makes it difficult to explain why I can't do things. Anyway, I just really want to be involved with Logan, but I also don't want to risk anything for my sweet girl.
It is definitely a very scary time right now not knowing what is going on. Having a baby at 30-31 weeks is risky and likely will involve a lot of NICU time and possibly many health issues for the baby. I really want her to wait at least 7 weeks before she decides to grace us with her presence, so please keep us in your prayers. A sweet friend reminded me that God knows her birthdate, has gone before us, and will take care of us no matter what happens. So if she is meant to come into this world sooner than we feel would be best for her, God will take care of us, comfort us, and support us through it all. I am trying to trust in Him, knowing He knows what is best, but letting go, and giving up control (even though I don't really have any anyway) is so very hard for me.
As I'm finishing this up I've had 3 contractions in the last 15 minutes...I'm really hoping they stop because I really don't want to have to take the meds (it has happened before and they have stopped before so hopefully that will be the case this time too). The meds are quite awful, and to be honest if I have to take it, I'll probably have to have someone come help me with Logan because it makes my heart race and very very shaky. I do not like asking for help. For whatever reason, it's just not in my nature. Thankfully, Logan is being such a sweet boy and he's playing so well mostly by himself and I'm doing as much as I can to play with him and rest at the same time.
Please keep me and our sweet little girl in your prayers! Thanks so much!!
1 comment:
Been there done that about TV time. Only recently have I let up a little, and my kids still normally watch one show in the a.m. and p.m. (except at Grandma's or the occasional movie, if they will sit for it). If he is happy, don't feel guilty or bad. I felt the same way, and bottom line is, it will all be ok. It's not going to be the norm, and he won't pick up bad TV habits from a few days.
Just tell him mommy feels sick - he knows sort of what sick is, or tired at least. Do you have a doctor kit for him to "fix" you?
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