Baby's heartbeat sounded great on the doppler which is always so reassuring. She checked me and I still have not had any dilating which is GREAT! She even made the comment she doesn't think I will deliver early even though I'm having these contractions (To clarify for those that may have been wondering, they are Braxton hicks contractions. If they were true labor contractions they would dilate my cervix. However, they don't want you having too many regular Braxton hicks because they could cause labor contractions to start).
She did say she wanted me on what she calls "modified bed rest." Basically she said that means that I need to take it easy. I'm not stuck in bed, but I don't need to be doing multiple errands in a day or doing too much at home. I can still care for Logan, do household things in moderation, and can still do stuff with friends/family. I need to pay attention to my body and not overdo it. She said on days I'm having more contractions, it would be best to stay home and rest as much as possible. I will continue to take the medication as needed for times with increased contractions.
I feel very relieved about this because I do have a lot to do and it's nice to know that I don't have to ask for help for ALL of it. I was also glad to hear she feels I won't be having a 30-31 week baby. She also said that at 36 weeks, even if I'm still having contractions at that point I will stop taking the medication for it and just let the baby come if she's ready to come. I'm still hoping to make it to 40, but I'm definitely looking forward to the 37 week mark which is considered full term and we'll have a much greater chance of avoiding any NICU time.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, and even though things are definitely less scary than they were, I would still appreciate you continuing to keep us in you prayers.
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