Words that he used to or currently has his own version of:
Pillpo - pillow
Maow Maow (not sure how to spell it but it rhymes with how) - Maryellen
Ninaur - dinosaur
Fermote - remote
bistake - mistake
Anything with an S blend he leaves the /s/ sound off (ex. snow is no, snuggle is nuggle)
Anything with an L he uses the /w/ sound (ex. Logan is Wogan)
I know there are more words, but for the life of me, I just can't remember right now...if family/friends remember things let me know and I can go back and edit.
Some of his favorite phrases:
"One more time" and he used to shake his finger while asking and give you the cutest look you just couldn't resist
"Of course" and "Of course I will"
"That's a good idea"
"Tell me 'what are you doing?' " - he wants you to ask him what he is doing so that he can then tell you. It cracks me up.
"I'm sure you(or we/I) can"
"I'm too busy" - when you ask him to do something that he doesn't want to do
Interesting stories or other things he is up to...
He is quite the bossy little boy and often will tell people just what he thinks they should do. We are working on this. Or at least working on asking nicely instead of just telling.
He is all about Daddy right now. Whenever Daddy is home, Logan wants his undivided attention and often does not want Mommy to participate. I have been told that I can't do things or to even go into other rooms. It's never done in a mean way, and I love that he loves his Daddy so much that it just cracks me up. (Of course, that was the case when I wrote this, he's starting to transition back to Mommy for some things, but still LOVES when Daddy gets home from work)
He is officially paci free, and he is sleeping in his big boy bed. He LOVES his big boy bed, so much so that it takes him FOREVER to fall asleep. He will literally play in his bed (he stays in it and doesn't get out) for 1-2 hours at night. Never fussing or anything. Just playing until he passes out. Silly boy! The last couple days, nap time has been a nightmare...I think part of it has to do with Mommy's inability to be as interactive and now he's not getting as worn out before nap.
Even though it takes him forever to go to sleep, it's not because he doesn't like to sleep. He's like his Daddy - loves to stay up late and sleep in. He rarely, and I mean RARELY - like not even once a month, will wake up before 7:00. For a while it was consistently around 7:30, then around 8:30, then back to around 7:30. Sometimes he's even slept until 9:30. He's not been very consistent since moving to his big boy bed though, so he doesn't really have a typical wake up time right now. Even sleeping late, he still needs a nap in the afternoon. Sometimes though we have to do a later nap if he decided to sleep late in the morning. His naps range from 1-3 hours, but most days usually right around 2.
He does not like for someone to be sad. If they are he wants to do whatever he can to make them not sad. Sometimes Mommy might just take advantage of this and if he won't give me a hug/kiss when I ask, I pretend to be sad and he then comes to give me one and says "you feel better now, Mommy?" So so cute! He will also randomly, or when he things something is wrong, ask you "What's the matter?"
He is not a fan of sharing. We are really working hard on this, but he really struggles with it. I realize he's only 2, and I had kindergarteners who still really struggled with this, so I know it will come with time. However, I want him to learn to be a sweet friend.
He is a smart, sneaky little guy at times. One day when we were at my in-laws, Logan had been put down for his nap, but had not fallen asleep yet. He was playing in his crib as usual and I was watching him on the video monitor. He started to climb out (something he's never successfully done since we've been able to stop him any time he's tried), so I took of to his room to stop him. I told him he needed to settle down and go to sleep then left again. We watched him some more (this time Brandon & both of his parents were watching too) and he started to climb out again, so I took off down the hall again. As soon as I turned the handle on the door, you could hear hysterical laughter coming from the kitchen where everyone was watching. When I opened the door, Logan was laying down in his bed like nothing had happened. Apparently he had heard the door and immediately dropped back into the bed to pretend he wasn't up to anything. Such a stinker!
Logan is also starting to initiate saying "I love you" without any sort of prompting. It melts my heart so much. Also, one night at the dinner table, completely out of the blue he turns to Brandon and says "I'm proud of you Daddy" then turns to me and says "I'm proud of you Mommy." I'm not sure what for, but it was so cute and sweet.
One Saturday, Logan went to his friend Ethan's birthday party at Great Play. He had a great time and at one point they were playing with balloons and Logan ran by yelling "I'm having so much fun!"
My dad likes to ask Logan "Who's Papa's best buddy?" to which Logan responds "It's Wogan!" with such excitement/enthusiasm. It's so cute!
One night, Brandon brought home Luby's for us for dinner. As we were eating, Logan goes "Fish for me? How wonderful!" Totally cracked us up. I have no idea where that came from. He also got jello for the first time that night and declared it was "tasty" "dee-licious" and "very yummy" So cute!
He is definitely starting to test his boundaries. I wouldn't exactly call it "terrible twos" because he's just not terrible. He has moments, but for the most part he really is pretty well behaved. We do a lot of routines, practicing, modeling, trying to be consistent, etc. and I really think that helps to keep my sanity so it's not full days of "terrible two" moments. He's very smart though and definitely tries to reason with you to get his way. He can be very convincing at times, and other times it's hard not to laugh.
This next part is not to brag on how smart my child is, but rather to document for myself all the things he already knows at 2. I am not holding "school" with him and teaching him these things, he just picks them up from interactions with us and others.
He speaks in complete sentences/paragraphs most of the time. Sometimes the things he says/knows completely shock me.
His vocabulary shocks me every day. Sometimes I wonder where in the world he comes up with the things he says. He obviously pays close attention and remembers things well.
He has entire books memorized and will "read" them or even recite them to himself when he is in bed (and supposed to be sleeping).
He knows...
-his colors
-his shapes
-how to count to 10 - can do some of the higher numbers, but not consistently
-how to identify most if not all of his capital letters and some lowercase letters
-lots of dinosaur names
Any family/friends that know there are things I should add to this, let me know. It's hard to remember everything since I didn't document it right away. I will either go back and edit, or if there's enough additional stuff I can do another post.
I love this boy so much and every day my love for him just grows. It is the weirdest thing because each day I feel like I love him to the fullest and there couldn't possibly be a way to love him more, but somehow, every day my heart grows a little bit more and fills complete up again. Also, I will work on a post with pictures, because there have been way too few pictures over the last 6 months or so. Here's one of my little Superman just to tide you over until I can get some more up :) Plus, how can I have a post all about him without at least ONE picture!
I am so thankful to be his Mommy!
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