31 Weeks
Total Weight Loss/Gain: At my appointment Thursday I was only up 25 pounds. I was a little shocked by this. I thought for sure last week I had been up a couple more pounds than that. It appears on my scale at home too that I am somewhere around 25-26 tonight. Crazy weird in my opinion, but ok.
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity.
Sleep: I think I get less sleep now than I did when Logan was a newborn.
Movement: Sometimes I swear she is having a dance party or karate class in there. One of the nights at L&D last week she was doing her thing when the nurse was in the room and the nurse could see her moving my belly like crazy. She cracked up and said something along the lines of "there's a little alien in there" Ha!
Cravings/Aversions: Not sure that I've really been having any lately. Trying to avoid too much acidic foods as my heartburn has been increasing, but that doesn't always deter me.
What I Miss: My normal level of anxiety. Now that we've had a few scares, I wish I wasn't worried about every little thing.
Gender: It's a girl!
Mood: Anxious, tired, and also worried I won't get everything done that I need to before baby girl arrives.
Milestones: After our little scare last week, I feel like each week is a milestone. Even though my doctor doesn't think I'll deliver early (which is very reassuring) I still don't want to take each week for granted. Every week is so important for her development.
Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions that I'm drinking lots of fluid, resting and taking meds as needed to help relieve them. I've also started having cramps in my legs at night. Oh how I was hoping to avoid those this time. Ha! Lots of pain on the right side of my hips/pelvis - my doc thinks its sciatic nerve related, still having restless legs, increase in frequency of heartburn - especially when I'm going to bed, and some nausea.
Differences From Past Pregnancy: I definitely did not have this many contractions with Logan and did not have to be put on medication to keep them under control.
What I Look Forward To: Making it to 37 weeks without going into labor. Really I'd like to make it to 40 because I feel like bigger babies are more likely to eat better and sleep better, but since 37 is considered safe, we'll make that what I'm looking forward to and then hope for more days/weeks after we get there :)
Also hoping to get to go to Austin after our niece is born. If she doesn't come on her own, she will be making her debut sometime on the 23rd (or 24th if she takes her sweet time). We are hoping to go to Austin to meet her that weekend assuming my doctor clears me to go at my appointment next Tuesday. Anything Else You'd Like to Share: It seems like the contractions typically pick up at night, but until tonight, I had not had to take any medicine since Thursday. I am currently resting waiting for the meds to kick in, so hopefully that happens soon and I can stop worrying. I don't feel like I packed my weekend or anything (we didn't even have Logan as he was at the grandparents all weekend), but maybe since I wasn't having as many, maybe I did do too much. I want to be safe and make sure I do all I can to keep our girl from coming early, but it's really hard to know just what is too much especially when I feel fine and feel like I can do anything.
No picture this week. Sorry.
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