32 Weeks
Total Weight Loss/Gain: I had my doctor's appointment today (which is why this post is a day late - I decided to wait so I could update everything) and I am up 28 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity. Although the last week has been mostly pajamas as we've been practically no where with all my issues.
Sleep: The norm - not getting much. It's worse on nights when I have to take meds for the contractions. Hard to imagine it much worse though. I get about 2 hours once I finally fall asleep and then I probably don't get any more stretches of sleep that are longer than an hour.
Movement: I feel like it's slowed down a little bit, but I know she's growing and it may just be that she doesn't have as much room. She also seems lower and is kicking/punching in very unpleasant places. Ha!
Cravings/Aversions: Still a big fan of sweet stuff, but trying to limit myself.
What I Miss: Sleep
Gender: It's a girl! This is still a little crazy to me.
Mood: Still anxious, tired, and worried, but feeling a better than last week.
Milestones: So many this week, it's crazy! But it's making feel much better :)
We have made great progress on baby girl's name. We think we've decided on a first name, but are still unsure about the middle name. I am not ready to share yet until we are 100% sure though. This is HUGE as we didn't have Logan's name until he was born. We had a short list, but couldn't make the decision (well I couldn't anyway).
We also made some major progress in baby girl's nursery. I think we got all of my school stuff into the attic that is going to go there. There is still a lot to be done, but this is also very huge to have accomplished. My in-laws helped a lot which I'm very thankful for and I actually have hope that it will be at least cleared out and organized before baby girl arrives.
And, bedding is officially ordered! I'm having a bumper and bed skirt made, and it should be here in 4-6 weeks :) I can't wait! Here are the fabrics we have chosen...I think it's going to be really soft, feminine and pretty - Just perfect! :)
Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Mostly the same but my restless leg seems to have increased and is affecting my sleep even more. Still having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions that I'm drinking lots of fluid, resting and taking meds as needed to help relieve them. The pain from my sciatic nerve has been come very debilitating. I can't take long strides, move quickly, raise my leg much, etc. Makes "chasing after" a 2 year old very difficult. Yesterday it was so bad I could barely stand to walk. My dad brought me some crutches and that was a huge help (but embarrassing when I go in public with them because visibly no one can tell there is anything wrong. I am realizing just how weak my upper body is too. Ha! I also don't really like to use them around Logan though because he wants to play with them and they're not exactly a toy. My mom stopped at a second hand shop and they had a walker for $10 so I think she's going to get that for me to try something else. Crutches make me nervous. The heartburn is still regular, but manageable.
Differences From Past Pregnancy: Last pregnancy, aside from a few minor things, the 2nd half of my pregnancy was a breeze. I didn't have an exceptional amount of pain, feel uncomfortable, or have any ongoing complications. That has not been the case this time.
What I Look Forward To: Same - Making it to 37 weeks without going into labor. Really I'd like to make it to 40 because I feel like bigger babies are more likely to eat better and sleep better, but since 37 is considered safe, we'll make that what I'm looking forward to and then hope for more days/weeks after we get there :) Thankfully my doctor seems confident that all is well and that we won't be delivering a premature baby.
Also meeting my niece, Claire, who will likely be here tomorrow! Exciting!! We are hoping to go to Austin to meet her this weekend. I had my appointment today and I am still not dilated or anything, so my doctor feels like it would be safe for me to travel. She did do one other test that we'll get the results either this afternoon or in the morning and as long as it is negative, we'll be good to go :)
Anything Else You'd Like to Share: I had to take meds 2 days last week, and maybe overdid things a little on Friday as I started having burred vision/blind spots (this happened twice with Logan, so I knew what to do), but once I drank extra water and spend some time lying on my side they went away.
As I mentioned earlier the pain from what we assume is pressure on my sciatic nerve by the baby has become quite unbearable. Before it hurt to walk, but I could mange and it didn't bother me at all to sit or lay down. It now hurts even if I'm sitting or laying and walking seriously makes me want to cry. My upper body is so weak though that after less than a day of using crutches my arms & hands already ache from getting used way more than they're used to. I'm hoping it doesn't last the remainder of the pregnancy since I'm hoping to go full term which would mean it's possible I could be dealing with this for 8 weeks.
However, all that being said, I love this sweet girl so much already and the pain is definitely worth it. I wouldn't trade having her for the world!
Here's a belly pic from Sunday after church...
Here's a pic from a little over 31 weeks with Logan (the one above of baby girl is a day shy of 32 weeks, so they're relative close). It's a little hard to compare since I'm not in the same clothes and not facing the same way. I feel like I'm bigger this time around, but looking at the pics it appears like I'm pretty much the same size, but it's hard to know for sure.
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