January 30, 2013


Because I haven't blogged about my sweet boy in a while, and because I want some of these things documented, I've been trying to record things that I can remember he's done or he has recently done so that I at least have SOMETHING to remember what it was like when he was 18-26 months.  I didn't do a good job of his monthly posts after getting pregnant, so as I've tried to remember back this is what I've come up with...

Words that he used to or currently has his own version of:

Pillpo - pillow
Maow Maow (not sure how to spell it but it rhymes with how) - Maryellen
Ninaur - dinosaur
Fermote - remote
bistake - mistake
Anything with an S blend he leaves the /s/ sound off (ex. snow is no, snuggle is nuggle)
Anything with an L he uses the /w/ sound (ex. Logan is Wogan)

I know there are more words, but for the life of me, I just can't remember right now...if family/friends remember things let me know and I can go back and edit.

Some of his favorite phrases:

"One more time" and he used to shake his finger while asking and give you the cutest look you just couldn't resist
"Of course" and "Of course I will"
"That's a good idea"
"Tell me 'what are you doing?' " - he wants you to ask him what he is doing so that he can then tell you.  It cracks me up.
"I'm sure you(or we/I) can"
"I'm too busy" - when you ask him to do something that he doesn't want to do

Interesting stories or other things he is up to...

He is quite the bossy little boy and often will tell people just what he thinks they should do.  We are working on this.  Or at least working on asking nicely instead of just telling.

He is all about Daddy right now.  Whenever Daddy is home, Logan wants his undivided attention and often does not want Mommy to participate.  I have been told that I can't do things or to even go into other rooms.  It's never done in a mean way, and I love that he loves his Daddy so much that it just cracks me up. (Of course, that was the case when I wrote this, he's starting to transition back to Mommy for some things, but still LOVES when Daddy gets home from work)

He is officially paci free, and he is sleeping in his big boy bed.  He LOVES his big boy bed, so much so that it takes him FOREVER to fall asleep.  He will literally play in his bed (he stays in it and doesn't get out) for 1-2 hours at night.  Never fussing or anything.  Just playing until he passes out.  Silly boy!  The last couple days, nap time has been a nightmare...I think part of it has to do with Mommy's inability to be as interactive and now he's not getting as worn out before nap.

Even though it takes him forever to go to sleep, it's not because he doesn't like to sleep.  He's like his Daddy - loves to stay up late and sleep in.  He rarely, and I mean RARELY - like not even once a month, will wake up before 7:00.  For a while it was consistently around 7:30, then around 8:30, then back to around 7:30.  Sometimes he's even slept until 9:30.  He's not been very consistent since moving to his big boy bed though, so he doesn't really have a typical wake up time right now.  Even sleeping late, he still needs a nap in the afternoon.  Sometimes though we have to do a later nap if he decided to sleep late in the morning.  His naps range from 1-3 hours, but most days usually right around 2.

He does not like for someone to be sad.  If they are he wants to do whatever he can to make them not sad.  Sometimes Mommy might just take advantage of this and if he won't give me a hug/kiss when I ask, I pretend to be sad and he then comes to give me one and says "you feel better now, Mommy?" So so cute!  He will also randomly, or when he things something is wrong, ask you "What's the matter?"

He is not a fan of sharing.  We are really working hard on this, but he really struggles with it.  I realize he's only 2, and I had kindergarteners who still really struggled with this, so I know it will come with time.  However, I want him to learn to be a sweet friend.

He is a smart, sneaky little guy at times.  One day when we were at my in-laws, Logan had been put down for his nap, but had not fallen asleep yet.  He was playing in his crib as usual and I was watching him on the video monitor.  He started to climb out (something he's never successfully done since we've been able to stop him any time he's tried), so I took of to his room to stop him.  I told him he needed to settle down and go to sleep then left again.  We watched him some more (this time Brandon & both of his parents were watching too) and he started to climb out again, so I took off down the hall again.  As soon as I turned the handle on the door, you could hear hysterical laughter coming from the kitchen where everyone was watching.  When I opened the door, Logan was laying down in his bed like nothing had happened.  Apparently he had heard the door and immediately dropped back into the bed to pretend he wasn't up to anything.  Such a stinker!

Logan is also starting to initiate saying "I love you" without any sort of prompting.  It melts my heart so much.  Also, one night at the dinner table, completely out of the blue he turns to Brandon and says "I'm proud of you Daddy" then turns to me and says "I'm proud of you Mommy."  I'm not sure what for, but it was so cute and sweet.

One Saturday, Logan went to his friend Ethan's birthday party at Great Play.  He had a great time and at one point they were playing with balloons and Logan ran by yelling "I'm having so much fun!"

My dad likes to ask Logan "Who's Papa's best buddy?" to which Logan responds "It's Wogan!" with such excitement/enthusiasm.  It's so cute!

One night, Brandon brought home Luby's for us for dinner.  As we were eating, Logan goes "Fish for me?  How wonderful!"  Totally cracked us up.  I have no idea where that came from.  He also got jello for the first time that night and declared it was "tasty" "dee-licious" and "very yummy"  So cute!

He is definitely starting to test his boundaries.  I wouldn't exactly call it "terrible twos" because he's just not terrible.  He has moments, but for the most part he really is pretty well behaved.  We do a lot of routines, practicing, modeling, trying to be consistent, etc. and I really think that helps to keep my sanity so it's not full days of "terrible two" moments.  He's very smart though and definitely tries to reason with you to get his way.  He can be very convincing at times, and other times it's hard not to laugh.

This next part is not to brag on how smart my child is, but rather to document for myself all the things he already knows at 2.  I am not holding "school" with him and teaching him these things, he just picks them up from interactions with us and others.

He speaks in complete sentences/paragraphs most of the time.  Sometimes the things he says/knows completely shock me.

His vocabulary shocks me every day.  Sometimes I wonder where in the world he comes up with the things he says.  He obviously pays close attention and remembers things well.

He has entire books memorized and will "read" them or even recite them to himself when he is in bed (and supposed to be sleeping).

He knows...
-his colors
-his shapes
-how to count to 10 - can do some of the higher numbers, but not consistently
-how to identify most if not all of his capital letters and some lowercase letters
-lots of dinosaur names

Any family/friends that know there are things I should add to this, let me know.  It's hard to remember everything since I didn't document it right away.  I will either go back and edit, or if there's enough additional stuff I can do another post.

I love this boy so much and every day my love for him just grows.  It is the weirdest thing because each day I feel like I love him to the fullest and there couldn't possibly be a way to love him more, but somehow, every day my heart grows a little bit more and fills complete up again.  Also, I will work on a post with pictures, because there have been way too few pictures over the last 6 months or so.  Here's one of my little Superman just to tide you over until I can get some more up :)  Plus, how can I have a post all about him without at least ONE picture!

I am so thankful to be his Mommy!

January 28, 2013

33 Weeks

33 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I think I'm up about 29 pounds.  I'm having some swelling right now, so that could be adding to it, but I'm not that concerned.  I would like to stay at or below 35 though, so I need to be careful these next few weeks :)

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a durian - approximately 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.

Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity, but lots of pajamas.  Unfortunately for Logan, we aren't getting out much.

Sleep: Not very much.  Last night was horrible.  Not only did it take me a while to fall asleep, but I woke up to some pretty bad heartburn.  I then had to wait for that to calm down before I could fall asleep again (sitting up unfortunately).  Even after that though I didn't stay asleep.  I'm worn out.  I swear this is worse than when Logan was born & I had to feed him though the night.  I will find out soon enough though when our sweet girl arrives.

Movement: It's not as crazy as it used to be.  She's a lot calmer - maybe just more cramped.

Cravings/Aversions: Last week I was craving hot fudge sundaes from McDonalds.  I was very disappointed to learn they are no longer $1.

What I Miss: Sleep

Gender: It's a girl! This is still a little crazy to me.

Mood: Just plain tired - physically, mentally & emotionally.

Milestones: We've made it one more week with no baby yet.  She's hanging in there and I'm very glad for that.

We're pretty certain about the first name, but still working on the middle name.  I can't decide if I want to share the first name on here yet, or wait until we have the middle name too.

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: The pain from my nerve seems to fluctuate depending on what I do.  If I can manage to keep off of it, it does pretty well, but if I do too much or step/move wrong it sends shooting pains that make me want to fall to the floor, but I don't because I'm pretty sure if I did, it would hurt even worse.  And, once I injure it, the next day seems to be especially bad.  I'm still dealing with increased heartburn & restless leg.  I have also had a couple times where I started seeing spots & having blurred vision like I did twice when I was pregnant with Logan.  I think it has to do with my blood pressure and maybe even blood sugar.  It usually goes away after about 30 minutes of laying down & drinking lots of water.  Eating also seems to help some.  I'm starting to have more swelling again.  It still seems to come and go, but is lingering a whole lot more.

Differences From Past Pregnancy:  I don't really know at this point. I think I've listed most of the differences.  I definitely feel shaped differently this time even though I haven't gained the same amount of weight as last time (of course there's still time for me to, but I'm trying to keep from adding the few extra pounds than are recommended that I gained last time)
What I Look Forward To: Same - still hoping to make it 4 more weeks to be considered full term.  I really want to go all the way to 40 weeks though.  I want her to have time to grow and gain the weight she needs to so hopefully the eating and sleeping will go well.

Anything Else You'd Like to Share:  This weekend we had a great time visiting my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and most importantly meeting our new niece, Claire.  She's an angel of course.  It was so fun to have a sleeping baby snuggling in my arms and on my chest.  I'm even more excited for our sweet girl's arrival as I won't have to leave her or give her back to her momma ;-)

I have to be honest though this weekend was a little tough for me as it's the exact weekend we were in Austin last year, only last year I was going through a miscarriage.  No one even knew we were pregnant, and no one knew what we were going through, but we didn't feel it was the time/place to share, so I pretended like nothing was out of the ordinary when inside I was dying to just grieve.  So thinking about the memories of that mad me a little nervous to go back on this weekend, however, I'm glad we did as it can now be a weekend associated with so much joy.  Today is actually the date of when my miscarriage began and I'm honestly in a better place than I might have otherwise been had our circumstances been different.  I'm so thankful I have the birth of our sweet girl to look forward to even though I'm mourning the fact that we never got to give birth to the sweet baby we conceived last year.  My mom's bible study group was so sweet to remember and prayed for me on Friday and sent a sweet gift for me with my mom.  It's a beautiful, white, stained glass angel and the candle they lit during the prayer.  It's a very special and sweet reminder of the little angel we lost.

Not to continue to be a downer (and feel free to not read this part especially if you don't like negative stuff), but because this is kind of like a journal for me, I want to record a few more things I'm struggling with.  I love being able to carry new life within me, but I'm struggling with all the ways it is limiting me.  I want to be a good wife & mom, but I feel like because of all the difficulties I've had with this pregnancy, I'm failing at my jobs.  I want to be able to play with Logan and when he wants me to do things with him I don't like having to say "Mommy can't do that right now" or "That hurts Mommy, I can't do that" or "Mommy can't pick you up" or whatever other reason I have to give that is preventing me from being the Mommy I want to be.  It breaks my heart.  He's very aware of the change, I think, and has begun acting out with me due to it as well.  I also hate having to ask my husband to do more than he already does.  He's working and going to school and I just don't want to ask him to spend his entire evening taking care of Logan, making dinner, doing chores and/or running errands.  Those are all things I want to be able to do for my family without having to ask for help.  My parents & in-laws have also offered to help and it's so hard to accept.  I know they have their own things that need to be done, so I don't like asking for them to give up their time.  I want to be well enough to do it myself.  I have friends that have offered help as well, but I don't want to rely on others for things I FEEL like I should be capable of doing myself.  I do not want to be a burden to others, but each day with the pain I'm realizing more and more I just don't know how I'm supposed to do it, and I'm running out of time.  This is not intended to be a pity party where I'm looking for people to tell me it's ok or whatever.  I know it's ok to ask for help, I just emotionally really struggle with it and it feels good just to write it.  When I share stuff like this, I really pretend no one reads it, so I can just vent and hopefully feel better afterwards.

And no picture this week.  I was actually out of pajamas this whole weekend, but didn't manage to get picture.  Oh well!  Sorry!  Maybe next week :)

January 22, 2013

32 Weeks

32 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I had my doctor's appointment today (which is why this post is a day late - I decided to wait so I could update everything) and I am up 28 pounds.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a squash (pictured below since it's weird to me to just say squash as there are ALL KINDS of squash) - approximately 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity.  Although the last week has been mostly pajamas as we've been practically no where with all my issues.

Sleep: The norm - not getting much.  It's worse on nights when I have to take meds for the contractions.  Hard to imagine it much worse though. I get about 2 hours once I finally fall asleep and then I probably don't get any more stretches of sleep that are longer than an hour.

Movement: I feel like it's slowed down a little bit, but I know she's growing and it may just be that she doesn't have as much room.  She also seems lower and is kicking/punching in very unpleasant places.  Ha!

Cravings/Aversions: Still a big fan of sweet stuff, but trying to limit myself.

What I Miss: Sleep

Gender: It's a girl! This is still a little crazy to me.

Mood: Still anxious, tired, and worried, but feeling a better than last week.

Milestones: So many this week, it's crazy!  But it's making feel much better :)

We have made great progress on baby girl's name.  We think we've decided on a first name, but are still unsure about the middle name.  I am not ready to share yet until we are 100% sure though.  This is HUGE as we didn't have Logan's name until he was born.  We had a short list, but couldn't make the decision (well I couldn't anyway).

We also made some major progress in baby girl's nursery.  I think we got all of my school stuff into the attic that is going to go there.  There is still a lot to be done, but this is also very huge to have accomplished.  My in-laws helped a lot which I'm very thankful for and I actually have hope that it will be at least cleared out and organized before baby girl arrives.

And, bedding is officially ordered!  I'm having a bumper and bed skirt made, and it should be here in 4-6 weeks :)  I can't wait!  Here are the fabrics we have chosen...I think it's going to be really soft, feminine and pretty - Just perfect! :)

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Mostly the same but my restless leg seems to have increased and is affecting my sleep even more.  Still having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions that I'm drinking lots of fluid, resting and taking meds as needed to help relieve them.  The pain from my sciatic nerve has been come very debilitating.  I can't take long strides, move quickly, raise my leg much, etc.  Makes "chasing after" a 2 year old very difficult.  Yesterday it was so bad I could barely stand to walk.  My dad brought me some crutches and that was a huge help (but embarrassing when I go in public with them because visibly no one can tell there is anything wrong.  I am realizing just how weak my upper body is too.  Ha!  I also don't really like to use them around Logan though because he wants to play with them and they're not exactly a toy. My mom stopped at a second hand shop and they had a walker for $10 so I think she's going to get that for me to try something else.  Crutches make me nervous.  The heartburn is still regular, but manageable.

Differences From Past Pregnancy:  Last pregnancy, aside from a few minor things, the 2nd half of my pregnancy was a breeze.  I didn't have an exceptional amount of pain, feel uncomfortable, or have any ongoing complications.  That has not been the case this time.

What I Look Forward To: Same - Making it to 37 weeks without going into labor.  Really I'd like to make it to 40 because I feel like bigger babies are more likely to eat better and sleep better, but since 37 is considered safe, we'll make that what I'm looking forward to and then hope for more days/weeks after we get there :)  Thankfully my doctor seems confident that all is well and that we won't be delivering a premature baby.

Also meeting my niece, Claire, who will likely be here tomorrow!  Exciting!!  We are hoping to go to Austin to meet her this weekend.  I had my appointment today and I am still not dilated or anything, so my doctor feels like it would be safe for me to travel.  She did do one other test that we'll get the results either this afternoon or in the morning and as long as it is negative, we'll be good to go :)
Anything Else You'd Like to Share: I had to take meds 2 days last week, and maybe overdid things a little on Friday as I started having burred vision/blind spots (this happened twice with Logan, so I knew what to do), but once I drank extra water and spend some time lying on my side they went away.

As I mentioned earlier the pain from what we assume is pressure on my sciatic nerve by the baby has become quite unbearable.  Before it hurt to walk, but I could mange and it didn't bother me at all to sit or lay down.  It now hurts even if I'm sitting or laying and walking seriously makes me want to cry.  My upper body is so weak though that after less than a day of using crutches my arms & hands already ache from getting used way more than they're used to.  I'm hoping it doesn't last the remainder of the pregnancy since I'm hoping to go full term which would mean it's possible I could be dealing with this for 8 weeks.

However, all that being said, I love this sweet girl so much already and the pain is definitely worth it.  I wouldn't trade having her for the world!

Here's a belly pic from Sunday after church...

Here's a pic from a little over 31 weeks with Logan (the one above of baby girl is a day shy of 32 weeks, so they're relative close).  It's a little hard to compare since I'm not in the same clothes and not facing the same way.  I feel like I'm bigger this time around, but looking at the pics it appears like I'm pretty much the same size, but it's hard to know for sure.

January 14, 2013

31 Weeks

31 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: At my appointment Thursday I was only up 25 pounds.  I was a little shocked by this.  I thought for sure last week I had been up a couple more pounds than that.  It appears on my scale at home too that I am somewhere around 25-26 tonight.  Crazy weird in my opinion, but ok.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a pineapple - approximately 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity.

Sleep: I think I get less sleep now than I did when Logan was a newborn.

Movement: Sometimes I swear she is having a dance party or karate class in there.  One of the nights at L&D last week she was doing her thing when the nurse was in the room and the nurse could see her moving my belly like crazy.  She cracked up and said something along the lines of "there's a little alien in there" Ha!

Cravings/Aversions: Not sure that I've really been having any lately.  Trying to avoid too much acidic foods as my heartburn has been increasing, but that doesn't always deter me.

What I Miss: My normal level of anxiety.  Now that we've had a few scares, I wish I wasn't worried about every little thing.

Gender: It's a girl!

Mood: Anxious, tired, and also worried I won't get everything done that I need to before baby girl arrives.

Milestones: After our little scare last week, I feel like each week is a milestone.  Even though my doctor doesn't think I'll deliver early (which is very reassuring) I still don't want to take each week for granted.  Every week is so important for her development.

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions that I'm drinking lots of fluid, resting and taking meds as needed to help relieve them.  I've also started having cramps in my legs at night.  Oh how I was hoping to avoid those this time.  Ha!  Lots of pain on the right side of my hips/pelvis - my doc thinks its sciatic nerve related, still having restless legs, increase in frequency of heartburn - especially when I'm going to bed, and some nausea.

Differences From Past Pregnancy:  I definitely did not have this many contractions with Logan and did not have to be put on medication to keep them under control.

What I Look Forward To: Making it to 37 weeks without going into labor.  Really I'd like to make it to 40 because I feel like bigger babies are more likely to eat better and sleep better, but since 37 is considered safe, we'll make that what I'm looking forward to and then hope for more days/weeks after we get there :)

Also hoping to get to go to Austin after our niece is born.  If she doesn't come on her own, she will be making her debut sometime on the 23rd (or 24th if she takes her sweet time).  We are hoping to go to Austin to meet her that weekend assuming my doctor clears me to go at my appointment next Tuesday.
Anything Else You'd Like to Share: It seems like the contractions typically pick up at night, but until tonight, I had not had to take any medicine since Thursday.  I am currently resting waiting for the meds to kick in, so hopefully that happens soon and I can stop worrying.  I don't feel like I packed my weekend or anything (we didn't even have Logan as he was at the grandparents all weekend), but maybe since I wasn't having as many, maybe I did do too much.  I want to be safe and make sure I do all I can to keep our girl from coming early, but it's really hard to know just what is too much especially when I feel fine and feel like I can do anything.

No picture this week.  Sorry.

January 10, 2013

Doctor Visit Update

I had my appointment today with my doctor and I feel about 1000 times better about things.  I just love her and even though I was the last appointment before lunch and it was well into her lunch time she still took time to answer all my concerns and to make me feel so much better about everything. I was so glad to finally get to talk to her and go over my concerns & questions and to hear what she had to say about everything.

Baby's heartbeat sounded great on the doppler which is always so reassuring.  She checked me and I still have not had any dilating which is GREAT!  She even made the comment she doesn't think I will deliver early even though I'm having these contractions (To clarify for those that may have been wondering, they are Braxton hicks contractions.  If they were true labor contractions they would dilate my cervix.  However, they don't want you having too many regular Braxton hicks because they could cause labor contractions to start).

She did say she wanted me on what she calls "modified bed rest."  Basically she said that means that I need to take it easy.  I'm not stuck in bed, but I don't need to be doing multiple errands in a day or doing too much at home.  I can still care for Logan, do household things in moderation, and can still do stuff with friends/family. I need to pay attention to my body and not overdo it.  She said on days I'm having more contractions, it would be best to stay home and rest as much as possible.  I will continue to take the medication as needed for times with increased contractions.

I feel very relieved about this because I do have a lot to do and it's nice to know that I don't have to ask for help for ALL of it.  I was also glad to hear she feels I won't be having a 30-31 week baby.  She also said that at 36 weeks, even if I'm still having contractions at that point I will stop taking the medication for it and just let the baby come if she's ready to come.  I'm still hoping to make it to 40, but I'm definitely looking forward to the 37 week mark which is considered full term and we'll have a much greater chance of avoiding any NICU time.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, and even though things are definitely less scary than they were, I would still appreciate you continuing to keep us in you prayers.

January 9, 2013


So Monday night we had a repeat of our Sunday night visit to the hospital.  It went almost exactly as it had the night before, but this time they gave me 2 shots instead of one to try to make sure that the contractions were completely gone.

The next morning though, I woke up and was already having contractions again before even getting out of bed.  I called my doctor's office and left a message with the nurses.  A nurse called me back and said she had talked to my doctor and would be sending a prescription for the pill form of the shot I was given at the hospital so I could take it instead of going to the hospital again.

Brandon took yesterday off to stay home to help me out with Logan and whatever else might have been needed.  My sister also happened to be in town for the day so she took Logan for a little bit to run some errands for her.  I ended up having to call about 10 different pharmacies to get my prescription because my usual one and all the ones around me for whatever reason did not have the particular medication in stock.  Finally I found one though, and when it was ready Brandon went to pick it up for me.  Before he went, I thought I was going to have to take it as soon as we got it because the contractions seemed to be increasing.  However, since the pharmacy wasn't close and it was traffic time, by the time Brandon got back with it I felt things had subsided some and decided to wait to see how things were going after Logan went to bed since the medication makes me feel awful.  I ended up not taking it and went to bed.  I unfortunately don't sleep the whole night so occasionally while I was awake I would have one contraction, but then nothing else, so I didn't take any medication yesterday.  I'm hoping this means the contractions won't continue to be an issue.

I will see my doctor tomorrow for my regular appointment and I'm really glad I'll have a chance to talk about all of this with her and see what she thinks the plan should be from here on out.  Hopefully it doesn't involve any bed rest, but obviously I want this sweet girl to stay in as long as possible, so if that's what is necessary then we will do what we need to make it work.

Today, I am by myself with Logan and doing my best to try to rest as much as possible.  It is really hard though because I feel like such a bad mommy when I can't be as involved with him.  He is currently watching his 2nd show of the morning, and I'm really not a huge fan of TV, so it's making me feel really guilty.  It's just my own personal preference, but when we are home, he really only gets on 15 min. show in the morning and one in the evening.  When he's elsewhere, I try to view it as a treat and not worry too much about how much he watches, but when we are home, I really like to keep it limited.  (This is not in anyway to say if someone reading this watches more with their kiddo that it is wrong, it's just not for us)  Even though Logan understands a lot, he still isn't really old enough to completely understand why Mommy can't do some things and it hurts my heart when he gets upset because I can't do something he wants.  I also don't want to tell him I can't do things because of the baby because I don't want him to start having any sort of resentment towards the baby, so it makes it difficult to explain why I can't do things.  Anyway, I just really want to be involved with Logan, but I also don't want to risk anything for my sweet girl.

It is definitely a very scary time right now not knowing what is going on.  Having a baby at 30-31 weeks is risky and likely will involve a lot of NICU time and possibly many health issues for the baby.  I really want her to wait at least 7 weeks before she decides to grace us with her presence, so please keep us in your prayers.  A sweet friend reminded me that God knows her birthdate, has gone before us, and will take care of us no matter what happens.  So if she is meant to come into this world sooner than we feel would be best for her, God will take care of us, comfort us, and support us through it all.  I am trying to trust in Him, knowing He knows what is best, but letting go, and giving up control (even though I don't really have any anyway) is so very hard for me.

As I'm finishing this up I've had 3 contractions in the last 15 minutes...I'm really hoping they stop because I really don't want to have to take the meds (it has happened before and they have stopped before so hopefully that will be the case this time too).  The meds are quite awful, and to be honest if I have to take it, I'll probably have to have someone come help me with Logan because it makes my heart race and very very shaky.  I do not like asking for help.  For whatever reason, it's just not in my nature.  Thankfully, Logan is being such a sweet boy and he's playing so well mostly by himself and I'm doing as much as I can to play with him and rest at the same time.

Please keep me and our sweet little girl in your prayers!  Thanks so much!!

January 7, 2013

30 Weeks

30 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I think I'm up about 27 pounds, but I've drank a TON of water today so not sure if that's an accurate weight or not.  No big deal either way though.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a cucumber (I'm guessing more length since going from an acorn squash to a cucumber seems weird) - approximately 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds.  Getting bigger (and so am I)!

Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity.

Sleep: Wish I could report that it's better, but it's not.

Movement: She is a mover just like her big brother was.

Cravings/Aversions:  Craving sweets - probably what's helping me add the weight - oops!

What I Miss: Not worrying so much...then again, I've always been a worrier, but more so with this pregnancy.  I need to relax.

Gender: It's a girl!

Mood: Anxious

Milestones: I must have passed my glucose test and I'm 3/4 of the way through the pregnancy.  Crazy!

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Pain in hips/pelvis, restless legs, increase in frequency of heartburn, some nausea, and lots of Braxton Hicks - to the point we went to the hospital last night.  More on that below.

Differences From Past Pregnancy:  About this time with Logan I had to go to the ER because I was seeing spots and having blurred vision.  It was due to elevated blood pressure. This time I ended up at labor & delivery due to too many contractions (again, more details below).

What I Look Forward To: We are attempting to get to work on the baby's room, so I'm looking forward to completing that. I'm also looking forward to finding a name - why is this soooo hard for me??

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: Last night a little before 8:30 I noticed I was having a lot of contractions.  I started timing them and had 6 in an hour.  Before 37 weeks they do not want you to have more than four.  I drank a whole bunch of water and went to bed to try to see if they would subside.  I drank more water, while lying on my left side (what they suggest you do) and over the next hour I had 7.  It was 10:30, and when I called the answering service at my doctor's office, they said the policy was between 10pm-7am to go to the hospital, they don't call the doctor.  I was really upset at the time because I wanted an actual doctor to tell me I needed to go because I didn't want to drive all the way there (it's about 35-45 min away) if it was really nothing.  However, I didn't want to take any risks and I knew I wouldn't sleep anyway unless I had confirmation that all was ok.  So I called my parents, my dad came and stayed with Logan, and Brandon and I headed to the hospital at 11 at night. Oh yay, fun!  We got there and they took us back to a triage room and hooked me up to monitors and checked me.  I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes but I was not dilated.  The nurse said I would have to get a shot to help stop the contractions.  Had we not gone, and the contractions continued it could have developed into real labor.  The nurse said had I waited and had dilation started there would have been no stopping it at that point and I would have delivered a 30 week baby.  So glad we went!  Once I got the shot, we were there for a little over an hour while they monitored the baby & contractions.  The way the medicine made me feel was so not pleasant.  She told me it would make my heart race, and I actually almost passed out sitting in the bed so I had to lay down completely for quite a while before I felt well enough to sit up a little bit.  I was really tired, but I couldn't sleep because it was totally uncomfortable & cold and I could move or it would mess up the monitors.  Normally though, they give 3 shots of the medicine, but apparently I was sensitive to it, and only needed one.  Once the contractions were basically gone, we got to go home.  It was about 2:30, and we got home a little after 3.  I'm so thankful that we went because I know there could be all kinds of complications having a 30 week baby and possibly a really long NICU stay.  I'm still having some contractions today, but not as many.  The nurse said to call my doctor or come back if I was having 5+ an hour.  I have had a couple hours (not back to back) where I've had 3 or 4, but thankfully never 5 and never multiple hours in a row.  I'm trying to rest more (as much as my 2 year old will let me) and not pick up Logan as much.  I've also had about 2 gallons (seriously not exaggerating) of water today as dehydration could have caused the contractions in the first place.  The crazy thing is, I still feel thirsty and I've always heard if you're thirsty you're already dehydrated.  I cannot seem to drink enough.  I'm still nervous it will happen again, so please pray that I can do all that I need to for this sweet girl to keep her in as long as possible.  Plus, we are totally not ready to bring a new baby home.  I have WAY too much to do.

Here is a pic from yesterday after church.