January 23, 2010

Extreme Makeover Cleaning Edition Part III

Our projects today were the living room and office.  We actually completed the living room early this morning because Chester and Annie (my in-laws pups) were coming at 9 this morning to spend the night with us while my in-laws take a quick trip to Austin.  But, I think the living room looks great.  Just see for yourself! (I do however need some serious help with what to do on our shelves.  Right now it's just a hodge podge of stuff, and I really don't know what to put on them.)


See the frame above the TV with the pictures?  That's new!  I actually bought it by myself (which is a huge task for me because 1. I don't like spending money and 2. I have a hard time making decisions that I actually want things (and about anything really) and 3. I don't go shopping).  All of the pictures of us were taken by Jennifer and you can see some of her other work here.  She is amazing!  Here's a close up.


Here's one more picture from a different angle of the room.  I had to retake this picture because the one I took earlier in the day didn't come out the way I wanted it to.  I prefer more daylight, but this will have to do.

The office is still a work in progress unfortunately.  It became our catch all whenever we'd have company come over and we'd have to frantically make the house presentable, so it has been a huge task.  We did a lot of work (spent over 2 hours on it alone) and it looks way better, but I'm going to hold off on a picture until we complete it.  We also want to rearrange the furniture so I'd rather wait until it's a "new" room.

I'm really happy with how everything is going.  When I come home from work a huge weight is lifted just by not having to look at all of the clutter the instant I open the door and not feeling the burden of the million things that I should be doing when all I want to do is rest.  It is amazing how much better it makes me feel!

Ps.  I have actually already made 2 other posts this weekend (crazy! I know!), so if you missed them, you might want to check them out.  I promise, I never intended to take up so much of everyone's time.  I really didn't think I'd have much to write about.  Hopefully it's at least not to boring!


Carol said...

I love your blog Carissa. It only takes up our time because we want it to, so keep writing! I look everyday for my 5 special blogs and I'm usually kinda disappointed when there's not a new post!

Meredith said...

Looks great Carissa!