I'm sure I don't really have a lot of people actually reading this, but on the off chance that someone is, I'm just curious if other people get overwhelmed by small things. Do you have things that overwhelm you and just make you want to go hide in a closet somewhere or just close your eyes and hope that when you open them, whatever it is is gone? I'm not talking about major things like applying for/changing jobs, making a major purchase such as home or car, planning a vacation, having a baby, raising your children, etc. I'm talking about your little every day tasks. Maybe I'm the only one and at the end of it, you will all think I'm crazy, but here are some of mine (in no particular order):
1. Laundry - it never ends. Last Christmas I got it all under control, bought a special hamper and everything and thought "ok, I can do this!" Within 3 weeks of being back to work, I was already having major piles of dirty & clean laundry. I don't know why, but every time I look at it, it makes me want to hide, so I pretend like it's not there. Then, when I have no clothes and am desperate I am forced to face the monster. It's terrible, and the laundry always wins! (if you're wondering about my poor husband's clothes, if he doesn't have clean clothes it's his fault because he's done his own laundry pretty much since we've been married...I know I'm a terrible wife!)
2. Email - right this second, I have 821 UNREAD emails in my inbox. I don't even know how many emails I have that are read and just sitting there. I know, that's insane. I have this thing with deleting stuff (it's like throwing something away, which I have issues with as well). I'm afraid if I delete it, I might want it later. I should just sit down and delete emails weekly, but like the laundry, the thought of it makes me want to lock myself in the closet & hide. Ha! Fortunately for me (or maybe unfortunately), I have Gmail and they just keep adding storage space. According to Gmail, I'm only using 26% of my space, which doesn't sound like a lot, but that's actually almost 2000 mb. For those of you that don't know what that means - it means that's a LOT of email!
3. Paper - probably the worst for me! It haunts me at home, and at school. I can't get away from it! Paper is one of those things that requires throwing away, and I have issues with that. Sometimes I just can't part with it, but don't really want it or know what to do with it. It's terrible! I swear it multiplies too. Stacks just get taller and taller and I promise I don't put anything on them. Ha!
4. Shopping - this may seem insane to most of you women, but I walk into a store (mostly clothing) and there are way to many choices and I just get overwhelmed and want to turn right around & leave. And sometimes I actually do! Unfortunately for me, I don't know if I'll ever get over this one. Fortunately for me though, I have a wonderful mother-in-law who actually likes to shop. Without her, I probably wouldn't have clothes to wear...at least not ones that are in style anyway. If you like something I'm wearing, there's a 90% chance she bought it for me. I know, how lucky am I to have a personal shopper?!
I have more, but I'm going to stop with 4 today. I'm sure I sound crazy already!
What overwhelms you??
Ps. My sink is still shining!!!
Carissa, I learned a long time ago that laundry can get the best of you. (What? No clean towels?!?!) I got in the habit of going straight to the laundry room as soon as I got home each day and did 1 load. That 1 load is not overwhelming and really keeps things under control. It's just suggestion that has helped me tremendously over the years. You can do it!
I can't believe that I just typed a bunch of stuff and now it disappeard. Darn. Anyway, I have a favorite rule and a favorite hint about laundry. Favorite rule: the laundry coming out of the dryer MUST be folded/hung up before any more can be loaded into the dryer. Favorite hint: use the top of the washer (or dryer) like an ironing board and your hands like an iron on the garmet while it's still warm and right out of the dryer...oftentimes it results in a good enough outcome that you don't need to iron at all!
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