Another area of my life that I'm ashamed to admit that I've slacked in is getting to know God better. I hope to change that and to start taking baby steps to doing things that will allow me to know Him more.
When Brandon and I first married we knew we wanted to find a church we could get involved in, but never really did anything to find one. We visited one, but it wasn't for us and then really didn't pursue anything else.
God led us to an amazing house that is just perfect for us. Little did we realize at the time that it was more about the location of the house than the house itself. You see, it was literally 2 minutes from a church that I had actually attended the school that it supports when I was in kindergarten & first grade. Since it was so close we decided we might as well give it a shot as it sure would make it easier to make to it church on Sunday mornings when it's so close. We went one Sunday and liked the service. We got a welcome letter in the mail that same week. The letter also included a list of ABFs (Adult Bible Fellowships - their term for Sunday School). One of the ones listed was a young married's class. We were very excited to learn of this because we had hoped to find a group of other believers at the same stage in life as us. The next week we tried it out and we were so unbelievably welcomed that when we left the class that day we both knew were in the right place.
Through this class we were able to join a small group that met once a week outside of church. We have made some wonderful friendships through this class and our small group. God has truly blessed us with the people he has brought into our lives. Through this group I have definitely grown in my walk with God, but I've still struggled with truly taking the time to get to know God one on one. I think I've been overwhelmed with the thought of it that I've just put it off and basically done nothing.
Today we had a great sermon about wisdom and the wisdom to know what God wants for our lives and I realized that until I really get into His word and spend time getting to know Him and what is in His word, I'm not going to be able to have that wisdom.
Well when we left today, it got me thinking. I remembered that on KSBJ they talked about a website that will email you the bible daily so you can read the bible in a year. I decided that this would be a good first step for me to take. If I'm reading His word daily then I'm doing something to know Him better and who knows where that will lead me. I'm all signed up and ready to start reading! If you're interested in this too, the website is
When Brandon and I first married we knew we wanted to find a church we could get involved in, but never really did anything to find one. We visited one, but it wasn't for us and then really didn't pursue anything else.
God led us to an amazing house that is just perfect for us. Little did we realize at the time that it was more about the location of the house than the house itself. You see, it was literally 2 minutes from a church that I had actually attended the school that it supports when I was in kindergarten & first grade. Since it was so close we decided we might as well give it a shot as it sure would make it easier to make to it church on Sunday mornings when it's so close. We went one Sunday and liked the service. We got a welcome letter in the mail that same week. The letter also included a list of ABFs (Adult Bible Fellowships - their term for Sunday School). One of the ones listed was a young married's class. We were very excited to learn of this because we had hoped to find a group of other believers at the same stage in life as us. The next week we tried it out and we were so unbelievably welcomed that when we left the class that day we both knew were in the right place.
Through this class we were able to join a small group that met once a week outside of church. We have made some wonderful friendships through this class and our small group. God has truly blessed us with the people he has brought into our lives. Through this group I have definitely grown in my walk with God, but I've still struggled with truly taking the time to get to know God one on one. I think I've been overwhelmed with the thought of it that I've just put it off and basically done nothing.
Today we had a great sermon about wisdom and the wisdom to know what God wants for our lives and I realized that until I really get into His word and spend time getting to know Him and what is in His word, I'm not going to be able to have that wisdom.
Well when we left today, it got me thinking. I remembered that on KSBJ they talked about a website that will email you the bible daily so you can read the bible in a year. I decided that this would be a good first step for me to take. If I'm reading His word daily then I'm doing something to know Him better and who knows where that will lead me. I'm all signed up and ready to start reading! If you're interested in this too, the website is
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