January 9, 2010

Here's to Something in 2010!

Maybe I'm the only person that gets like this, but whenever I feel like I can't do something right, or can't do it the way I want to, I tend to give up and not even bother trying. So here I am, just trying to figure out how to balance all the roles in my life and learning to accept that I'm not perfect, will never be perfect, but can still be successful as a child of God, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher.

I've had lots of people tell me I should start a blog, but I've always made the excuse that I don't have anything worth writing about or anything that others would be interested in reading. But, if you've read my title, I'm learning that doing something is better than nothing. So here I am! I may only post once a month, but then again, who knows, maybe I'll post much more than that. I have no idea where this road will lead me.

My "something" that I did today was shine my sink, which led to then cleaning the whole kitchen because you can't have a shiny sink and a messy kitchen. It looks great and makes me smile every time I go in it! I had some extra help from my wonderful hubby, who I am very thankful for! And, if you're thinking I'm crazy for shining my sink, visit www.flylady.net. It's a website created by another woman who wasn't born with the natural ability to be neat, clean and organized (like me! I envy those of you who it comes so natural to, but am working to make it a habit). She started with shining her sink and took baby steps to take back control of her home. I am determined to eliminate the CHAOS (can't have anyone over syndrome) by the end of the month and keep it away.

Here's a picture of my finished kitchen. I'm so proud!

So here's to something in 2010! Are you doing something?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay - I'm so glad you started a blog! Love it! You kitchen looks great. :)