So I've been doing a terrible job of getting pictures these last couple weeks. Today, I did not get a picture of Logan before sending him to spend the night at my parents, and then forgot to ask my parents to take a picture or two, so we ended up with none :( I'm so sad. So, words are all I have for today, but even those aren't great.
It really wasn't too eventful of a day today. We went to the grocery store (again! because I forgot stuff earlier this week) but thankfully it was not as "exciting" of a trip as last time, but that leaves me with no story either. Logan took a short nap, so Papa picked him up and took him to the park. He enjoyed some time playing, then went home with Papa, had dinner, and then when Grandma got home, he had a little bit of time to play with her before it was time to go to bed. I can't remember if there was anything else they did that was reported to me and more interesting than that :(
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