April 2, 2012

Day 93

Today, we had an eventful trip to the grocery store.  I don't like eventful trips to the grocery store.  Usually Logan does pretty good as long as I don't take too long making decisions :)  So anyway, as I was on the first isle trying to make a decision about something Logan kinda fussing - trying to get my attention, but I was somewhat ignoring it and trying to find what I needed.  When I finally paid attention to him, I noticed his fingers were stuck in the bars of the basket.  I have no idea how he did that.  I managed to get one hand free and noticed the other was stuck too.  This one was REALLY stuck.  I almost started to panic because at this point, Logan was starting to cry as I imagine it hurt and every time Momma tried to get them out, it probably hurt worse.  There was another lady on the isle and I looked up at her and I must have had eyes saying please help me because she walked over and I thought maybe she would offer some assistance, but she just stood there.  I guess maybe she could have been worried I didn't want her to touch my child or something, but I was almost to tears because I was terrified I wasn't going to be able to get his fingers out and I didn't know what to do.  Finally, they came loose and we were both VERY happy!

Then, if that wasn't enough of an event, later, I gave Logan his water cup and he dropped it on the floor.  It then proceeded to roll UNDER the shelf thing.  I got on the floor to try to get it, but just my luck - it's rolled so far under that I can't reach it.  Great!  So of course there are no employees around when you need them.  I wasn't about to leave it either as it is a perfectly good cup and I don't want to buy another one.  Finally, I decided to head to the cleaning isle, I get a mop, walk back to the cereal isle, get on the floor, use the handle to fish the cup out from under the shelves.  Then, of course, Logan wants the cup, but I'm not about to give it to him - have you seen under those shelves? YUCK!  So he gets upset, but luckily I had a paci with me and I gave him that instead (yes I know I need to work on getting rid of the paci, but it saved me today.)  Needless to say, I wanted out of that store so bad!

Now for some pictures of something totally unrelated.  I showed Logan he had pockets on his jumper (or whatever you call those things) and that he could put stuff in it.  He thought it was pretty cool and had fun putting toys in his pockets :)

 I know they're not the greatest pictures, but it's what I could manage.

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