April 7, 2012

16 months


You are 16 months old!  Serious, where does all the time go?  You are getting so big so fast!

This month you...

- are talking so much more now.  You now say the word "more" as you sign it.  You also say "yum, yum", "oh no" (in the cutest way possible), "yellow", "bird," "bubble" and way more words than that but I kept forgetting to write them down.  It seems like you get a couple new words a week, so I've lost track!

- can point to yourself when someone asks "Where is Logan?"

- love to throw your dirty diapers in the trash.  I let you do it once, and now I think you feel like it is your job.

- had your first fever - and then had one again a week later.  It seems like you've been sick a lot this month.  You started with hand, foot & mouth disease, then had a very bad virus a week later with fever for 4 days.  It was very hard for Mommy to see you not feeling well  You really were a trooper though and most of the time, you didn't even seem sick.   You still have a cough that you had antibiotics for, but they didn't seem to help.  We're trying allergy medicine now, so let's hope that works.

- went on your first trip to the zoo.  You LOVED it!  Your favorite animals were the birds and fish.  You were not fond of the big elephant getting a bath though.

-are funny about what you will eat.  Some days you will love something, but the next day you won't touch it.  You also don't seem to care for anything that is white, or blandly colored.  Good thing lots of veggies are brightly colored and you will usually eat carrots, tomatoes, and green beans with no problem.

- love bubbles, but half the time, you ask us to blow them, then don't seem to pay any attention to them.  However, if we stop, you notice and get upset.  You are so silly!

- like to play "night, night" a lot.  You will randomly lay down, wherever you are, and say "night, night." So cute and silly!

- have had lots of days where you are all about Daddy.  It is so sweet to see!  Some days after Daddy gets home, you just want to follow him around and be where ever he is.  I love watching you two together!

It really just amazes me how much you learn and grow each month.  I wish I was doing a better job of writing it down so I don't forget, but you keep me so busy it's hard to.  Next month, I hope to do better.  You are such a sweet boy, and I am so proud and blessed to be your momma.  I love you so much!


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