February 29, 2012
Day 60
Logan found my Aggie slippers that I used to use for slipper day in my kindergarten class. He decided he wanted to wear them. Silly little boy! Ha! :)
February 28, 2012
Day 59
I know every mom thinks their child is the smartest baby ever. Of course. I mean, how can one not? Everything new they do must mean they are smart beyond their yearsdays, right? Ok, so in all seriousness though. I do think my child is super smart. Now, how he compares with other children his age, I don't know. But, I don't really care. In my mind he's smart and that's all that matters ;-)
Today, he was playing with his shape sorter, and he has gotten so good at placing them in correctly and I'm pretty certain he knows what some of the shapes are already and knows where they are supposed to go. Maybe it's just luck, but I'm his mom, so I'm going to say it's because he's just that smart :)
Also, this picture was just too cute not to share...
February 27, 2012
Day 58
This past weekend, we got visit Dustin, Cam & Meredith, and Lizzie, Cory & baby Grace in Austin. It was a fun weekend!
This is how our weekend started though...
Thank the Lord for technology. Seriously, I think it was a total God thing with the way the situation played out. We had not even made it out of the Houston area when I looked over and noticed a warning light on the dash board. I asked Brandon what it was, and our car's computer told us that our back left tire had 15 psi. Holy cow! We needed to exit and get some air in the tire asap. We weren't able to exit right away, but once we did, we pulled into a gas station and pulled up next to the air pump. After we got out, you could literally hear the air coming out of the tire. We looked at it and sure enough, there was a piece of metal in our tire. Lovely!
So, not having done this on my Tahoe before, we first had to locate the jack. It was nowhere obvious, so Brandon got the manual out. Seriously never would have found it without the manual...
Yep, a "secret" compartment for the jack..crazy!
Then, my sweet, oh so happy and pleasant (ha!) hubby got to change the tire :) Also, I'm pretty sure the people around us must have thought I was crazy for taking pictures. Ha! Oh, and did I mention the wind was crazy making it feel FREEZING cold! I had my velure jacket, Brandon's leather jack, and a blanket wrapped around me. Talk about ridiculous. Ha!
Lowering the spare...
Removing the flat...
Putting on the spare...
We then discovered that our spare was also flat, and this is another reason I think it was a total God thing that protected us. Not only did we know prior to getting the flat to get off the freeway, but we were at an air pump. Had this happened in the middle of no where, or even had we not been able to get off the freeway in time, we still wouldn't have been able to go anywhere. After all the work Brandon put into changing the tire if we had not be right where we were we would have been stranded. We were able to fill up the spare, but I was still concerned about driving all the way to Austin on the spare, so we headed back to town and Discount Tire replaced the tire for us (Thank goodness for their insurance policy! It only cost us $33. Woohoo!).
After that, we were on our way! We also got to see this beautiful sunset on the way :)
I did not get a whole lot of pics over the weekend, but did manage to get some pictures when we went to Papasitos to celebrate Cam's birthday.
And since we never take pictures together (mostly because I don't like them of myself) here's one of us...
(ignore the fact that it looks like Logan took scissors to one side of my hair - ha!)
The boys serenaded us with the Ducktales theme song. Here's a little clip :)
And Cam got the honor of wearing the sombrero and being serenaded by the Papasitos' staff :) I did not get a pic of this, but did get video. You're welcome, Cam ;-)
Then, on our way out on Sunday, we got to visit Lizzie, Cory and sweet baby Grace. I even got to hold her! She is so tiny (less than 5 pounds!) and so sweet, but we are all so happy she is here, safe and healthy! I did not manage to get a picture though. I'm so sad! :(
It was a great weekend and I'm so glad we were able to do it despite the rough start. I definitely missed my sweet boy, but he was having so much fun that he didn't even miss us!
It was a great weekend and I'm so glad we were able to do it despite the rough start. I definitely missed my sweet boy, but he was having so much fun that he didn't even miss us!
February 26, 2012
Day 57
While Logan was outside with Gigi, he found himself a playmate...
a doodlebug! Ha! He is all boy!!
After we returned from Austin, Logan had already eaten dinner, but we had not. Gigi & Poppy picked up some Five Guys for us, and Logan decided he wanted a second dinner and went around begging everyone for food. It was so funny! He climbed up on Brandon's feet so he could get closer to the food.
February 25, 2012
Day 56
Brandon and I left last night (which was a totally fiasco - I will be posting about that later!) to go visit Brandon's best friend, Dustin, before Dustin moves to San Fransisco. We decided to leave Logan with Gigi and Poppy. Even though I miss him terribly, he is having a blast!
This morning, he got to have some of PawPaw's famous pancakes (well famous in the Todd family anyway, but I'm sure if the world knew about them, they'd be world famous :)). Logan loved them of course.
We tried to Skype with Logan while we were gone, but the reception wasn't great. Then we tried borrowing Uncle Moose's I-phone so we could Facetime and that worked a little better. I tried to get a picture of it, but I just had my point & shoot and it kept flashing, so I didn't get the greatest pic. I wish I could have taken one of him blowing kisses to us. At one point, Gigi & Poppy said Logan kissed the I-pad, but that was when we used Skype and the reception had the screen frozen, so we didn't get to see it. Oh well! He's such a sweetheart though :)
February 24, 2012
Day 55
Logan had his friend Ben over this morning along with his new friend Isaiah, and it was lots of fun!
I love how they are both looking at each other like "I wonder if his toy tastes better than mine." Ha!
You can tell Ben's mommy is a photographer because he would actually look at the camera. I don't have one single pic of Logan looking at the camera from this "photo shoot." I should have given my camera to Ben's mommy instead. She always gets good pics of Logan ;-)
Ben - "Touchdown!"
"Why aren't you doing the touchdown sign?"
"Oh! We're clapping!"
"What? Now you're doing the touchdown? I thought we were clapping!"
I also got a couple cute pics of Isaiah, but I can't post them to my blog. I wish you could see them though, he is such a cutie! He's got some gorgeous eyes and a sweet smile!
I enjoyed the playdate just as much, if not more, than the little ones :)
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