February 7, 2012

14 months


You are 14 months old!  I think you have grown SO much.  I think you're close to 25 pounds.  I'm not sure about the height, but I would guess you've grown 2-3 inches since your 12 month appointment, if not more.  You can reach so many things now that you used to not be able to and it makes it a lot harder for Mommy & Daddy to keep things out of your reach.

This month you...

- like to grab Mommy's and Daddy's (or anyone really) finger and lead us to things that you want and you try to get us to do certain things.  It's so cute!  Although sometimes you try to get us to give you something you aren't allowed to have, so when we don't do it, you get very upset.

- used to HATE having your hair washed because of the water in your face.  You are now getting much better at letting us wash your hair.  As long as we have a towel ready to dry your face once we're done pouring the water, you are ok.

- are still a great sleeper.  You are so easy to put to sleep.  We usually read and rock for a little bit, maybe sing a few songs, and then I put you in your bed and you go to sleep.  Some nights you fall asleep faster than others, but you never fuss.  If you are not ready to fall asleep you will play and talk for a while in your bed until you fall asleep.  When you wake up, you no longer fuss, but will talk and play until someone comes to get you.  You have always woken up this way after naps, but not first thing in the morning, so it's nice to wake up to you happy instead of upset. 

- love to eat!  And, much to our surprise, you love some of your veggies more than meat!  Your favorites seem to be squash & zuchini.  Other things you like to eat are green beans, chicken w/ Rice-a-Roni (but really you like chicken fixed any way), yogurt, carrots, applesauce, grilled cheese, spaghetti w/ meat sauce, quesadillas, bread, pizza.  You have loved all the different fruits we've given you too - pears, peaches, pineapple, blueberries, kiwi, bananas, and there are probably more, I just can't think of them right now.

- don't like to eat avacado, cheese that hasn't been melted (just like your Daddy!), and broccoli.

- have the cutest laugh that you do when you are excited about something, or get something that you like/want.  I have not been able to get this on video, but hope that I can soon!  It is too cute to not have documented.

- are a chatterbox, but still are not saying a whole lot of words.  Right now, you can say - mama, dada, night night, bye bye, this, and have recently started trying to say Papa, Gigi & Poppy but you aren't quite all the way there yet.  When you say Papa & Poppy you whisper it.  I'm not sure what that is about, and when you say Gigi, you say it in a way that almost sounds like you have a french accent.  Ha!  We are still working on Grandma, but that's a much harder one.  It will come though!  You also had your first string of words.  One day when Daddy was leaving for work, without any prompting, you said "bye, bye, Dada"  We were so excited and proud of you!

- still love your puppies so much.  You love playing with them, laying on them, and and just about anything else they will let you do.  You think it's hilarious when they give you kisses, and as gross as it is to Mommy, you will open your mouth for them to kiss your mouth (I am never fast enough to stop this-ha!).  You are constantly trying to go in and out of their crates even though you are not supposed to play with them.

- are so sweet.  You love your stuffed animals and will give them hugs and kisses.  You will lay your head on them and say "night, night."  Sometimes you insist on taking them to bed with you.  It is so cute!

You are so fun and silly.  I am so glad I get to spend each day with you.  I love watching you play, learn, and grow.  It is such a blessing!  I love you!!

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