February 2, 2012

God is Good - Always

I realize I am very behind in my posts about Logan, but I promise I will get to those.  I've still been taking pictures/video, but I haven't downloaded them yet.  We've had a rough week, and I'm not ready to share it with the world, but through this, God has really been revealing himself to me and giving me bundles of blessings and I just want to count those right now (in no particular order).

-Having my baby boy fall asleep in my arms while reading and rocking him before nap time.  I could just sit there and hold him forever.  Aside from salvation, he is the greatest gift that God has given to Brandon and me.  He is always such a source of joy, but especially so when times are hard.

-Getting news that our home appraisal came back higher than we needed it to for our refinance.  This is a huge blessing for us.

-Having wonderful family that is so loving, helpful, and supportive especially when times are tough.  They are always here for us, and I don't know what we'd do without them.

-Having friends that genuinely love us and care for us.

-Hugs, kisses, cuddles, smiles, and giggles from my sweet boy.

-Having a supportive husband that will just hold you when you need to cry, and listens to you when you want to talk about the same thing over and over again.

-Logan taking a long nap for the first time this week that allowed me to do the dishes that I have been putting off all week, and to write this blog post.

-Realizing that God knew what we needed long before we did.  Placing events and people in our lives that would help us in ways we never knew we would need them.

-Having a beautiful home that I can open up to others for fun & fellowship (and while it's not always as clean & organized as I'd like it to be, it's still a blessing).

- Little indulgences like ice cream, and coffee.  And, hopefully, maybe even going out for a lemon drop martini in the near future.

-My wonderful husband, who is not only working to support our family, but also taking classes working towards another degree, and still comes home and helps with Logan and other needs around the house.

There are so many of these little blessings in my life and I am so thankful for each and every one of them.  God truly is good.

It is such a weird feeling to experience grief and sadness, yet at the same time peace and happiness.  I know that this can only come from God.  I cannot possibly attribute it to pure chance or coincidence.  He has wrapped His arms around me, and I know that He is real, and He cares, and He is carrying me through this.  It is often said that God will never give us more than we can handle, but I don't believe that is entirely accurate.  He gives us more than we can handle on our own, but not more than we can handle with His support.  It is so wonderful to know that God is walking this path with me, and when I cannot support myself, He is there to carry me through it.

Being a Christian isn't an easy thing, and it certainly isn't meant to be.  However, I can't imagine living in this world without my faith in God.  Life is hard, and like I mentioned before, God is real, He cares, and He wants to be the one to carry you through.  I don't really know who if anyone reads this blog outside of my family, but if you don't know Him, and you want to, I'd be happy to talk with you and pray with you.  Or, if you know someone who is a Christian and would be more comfortable talking with them, I urge you to talk to them, and tell them you want to know more about Him.  I promise, you will not regret it.

I love this song.  It is such a beautiful reminder of God's love, and how He is with us always.

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