You are 4 months old! You weigh 15 pounds 10 ounces (78th percentile), are 26 inches long (96th percentile), and your head circumference is 16 3/4 inches (93rd percentile). You are a big girl!
You still wear size 2 diapers, but during the day (when we are home), you are wearing cloth diapers. You are still in size 3-6 month clothes, but I'm not sure if we will make it another full month with them. You are getting long for some and I have a feeling you may grow out of them soon.
You had just started rolling from your tummy to your back occasionally right around your 3 month birthday. On July 6th, late in the evening, you rolled over from your back to your tummy & you have been rolling all over the place since then. Mommy was all by herself with you when it happened and I managed to get a video since you kept rolling over. I was able to send it to Daddy & your grandparents so they could share in my joy :) It is always exciting when you learn new things, but it's also bittersweet for Mommy. I'm not ready for you to be a big girl, and being mobile makes you more of a big girl than a baby. Slow down sweet girl!
You are definitely teething. You are starting to drool a lot (but not as much as your brother did!) and your hands/fingers are almost constantly in your mouth. You really like the little icy teethers.
You are so strong and are trying very hard to sit up on your own. I'm thinking by the end of this month we may have a full sitter.
Your brother is probably your favorite person. He can make you laugh like no one else can when he wants to. You smile so big any time he talks to you, you follow him with your eyes when he's around, and if he sings to you when you are upset, it makes you stop fussing. I hope you will always love your brother this much!
You have become quite the squealer. When you are happy you are very vocal and let out lots of shrieks & squeals. You are especially happy after you eat, on the changing table & most of the time when you wake up.
You love to grab things. If I have anything in my hands while I'm holding you, you want it. You will always try to get it. You can pick up your toys, grab your toys on your gym, and you have started grabbing your paci out of your mouth and are getting pretty good at trying to put it back in.
Towards the beginning of this month you started grabbing your feet and now you LOVE to put your feet in your mouth. I'm so mad at myself for not getting a picture of this. I will have to be sure to take one this month.
(I am super mad at myself because apparently this is the only picture I've taken of you this month on our camera.)
The virus you had right before your 3 month birthday took a while to fully get out of your system. You were congested and snotty for weeks, and it has made you regress in your sleeping at night. You now wake up twice to eat & at other times in the night you wake up & need your paci. You have been back & forth between your crib and your rock n play. We kept having to put you back in the rock n play because your congestion was so bad & it kept you elevated. We have had to move you full time to your crib though because you kept trying to squirm out of the rock n play. We also had to take the miracle blanket away because you were trying to roll over while you were swaddled and that did not seem very safe to me. It has not make your sleeping any worse, but unfortunately it also hasn't made it better :)Any time the camera is out, you get super serious. You just will not smile for the camera (hence the monthly photo without that super cute smile of yours). If it's just you and a person, you give the biggest, sweetest smiles, but you will NOT give us those for the camera. I need your sweet smiles documented, so you need to start cooperating ;-)
Here are a few pics from a photoshoot we tried at Gigi's house, and you just would not look at the camera or smile. Silly girl!
You are my sweet little angel and I am so thankful to have you in our lives. I love watching you grow and learn every day. I am looking forward to all that is to come even though I do wish it would slow down a little :) I love you very much sweet girl!
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