You are 3 months old!! At the doctor on Tuesday you were 13 pounds 15.5 ounces and are about 26 inches long (used a tape measure to guess so it may be a little off).
We went to the doctor on Tuesday because you had your very first fever :( It makes Mommy so sad for you to be sick. You are also starting to cough and get a little bit congested. I hope this goes away soon!
You wear size 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers. You also are wearing cloth diapers most days we are home. Aunt Marmar let us borrow some to try and surprisingly Mommy really doesn't mind them.
You like to make spit bubbles and are drooling a little bit more.
Your hands are almost always in your mouth when you are awake & happy. I think you are teething, so you enjoy chomping on them. This makes you very slobbery. Ha!
You LOVE to talk. Especially when you are being changed and when I am swaddling you before bed. You can be so sleepy that you're almost asleep but as soon as I lay you down to swaddle you, you light up and start jabbering away. Sometimes I'm worried you're so loud you'll wake your brother up.
You want to sit up all the time. You have such a strong upper body and are always trying to get in the upright position if someone lays you back or puts you in a reclining position. Because of this we started using the bumbo seat with you, and you really seem to like it. You prefer it to the bouncy seat.
You think your big brother is pretty cool. If he is close to you, talks to you, sings to you, etc. you just stare and smile at him. It is so sweet!
You LOVE your baby gym, just like your big brother did. You have starting reaching for, and even grabbing the toys that hang from it.
You rolled over from your tummy to your back about a week ago, but you haven't done it again since. Edit: The day after you turned 3 months old you rolled over twice from your tummy to your back. Once for Daddy and one time for Mommy. Looks like maybe you're going to start doing it more :)
You just discovered you can grab/hold your legs/feet on Father's Day and have been doing it ever since. Any time I lay you flat your feet go straight into your hands. This makes diaper changing much more difficult. Ha!
You are such a sweet sweet baby girl and I am so proud to call you mine :) I am so thankful for each day with you. I love you so very very much!
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