You are 6 months old! I cannot believe it has been half a year since you arrived. You weigh 18 pounds exactly (81st percentile), and are 27 inches long (89th percentile). The nurse said your head size is 17 inches (77th percentile), but you were wiggling and I don't think she measured correctly. That was only up 1/4 inch from 4 months and when I measured later I got 17 1/2 inches.
You are in size 3 diapers and size 3-6 month clothes, but tomorrow I am making myself get your 9 month stuff out & washed because you are squeezing into the 3-6 month stuff. I should have done that a month ago!
You have been up to a LOT this month. About a week after your 5 month birthday you started army crawling. Just this week, you started crawling on your hands and knees, and can also go from crawling/on your tummy to sitting. You are trying VERY hard to pull up on things too. You haven't quite got it down yet, but it is coming SOON! Daddy lowered the mattress in your crib, just in case. You are keeping your momma busy & tired!
This month, your cousin, Maryellen, has started spending the day with us during the week while Aunt Marmar & Uncle Mark are at work. You are trying so hard to keep up with the big kids! You love them both so much and they love you too! (except when you grab them, or pull their hair, or get their toys, ha!)
You are doing so much better with your eating this month. Mommy stopped eating milk, and later soy, and that seems to have stopped the screaming while you eat. However, you're having some really yucky diapers & are still not sleeping at night. Hopefully we'll get this all figured out soon.
Your smile just lights up a room, but sometimes you can be pretty stingy with it. Other times you're super smiley. It is quite funny though when you're in your serious/studying mood.
You LOVE the puppy dogs. If you're being fussy, I just have to let the doggies out to play with you and you get happy for a while.
We gave you oatmeal & rice cereal for the first time this week, but you are NOT a fan. You have seemed so interested in eating, but you will only eat a little bit of cereal before you start to refuse it all together. You are much more interested in eating your bib. Ha! Hopefully when we start fruits & veggies, you will like those better.
You still just love your brother so much (I hope it always stays that way). You are always interested in what he is doing and in his toys. He is starting to come around to realizing that you can be fun too and he will sometimes do things to try to get you to laugh or smile. I love seeing you two "play" together!
I still cannot believe that 6 months has gone by since I first held you in my arms. You have brought so much more joy, love, laughter and cuddles into our lives that I had no idea we even needed. I love you so so so very much!