November 19, 2012

23 Weeks

23 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I think 9-10 pounds up.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a grapefruit - approximately 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.

Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants, still wearing some regular shirts, but they are starting to get shorter, so I'm starting to wear more maternity shirts as well.

Sleep: I'm sure I sound like a broken record, but still terrible.  Some days I'm not really sure how I manage to be honest.

Movement: Yep - it's wonderful :)

Cravings/Aversions: I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for my bible study group this past week and my mom made me apple pie for my birthday so it was a good week!!  I've been having random cravings for Olive garden salad and bread sticks.  It's not constant, but at random times I want it - not sure I'll be doing anything about that craving though as usually when I want it, I'm not willing/able to get it.

What I Miss: Sleep.

Gender: It's a girl! I'm still trying to process that.  Sometimes it still feels like we don't know what we're having and I have to remind myself.  I need to get moving on planning her nursery though!

Mood: Pretty good, mostly just tired.  No surprise.

Milestones: None that I can think of right now.  Just making it through each day is a milestone I guess :)

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Same - Lots of Braxton Hicks, some nausea (mostly in the mid morning & late night), little sleep, restless leg, and some heartburn.  No major concerns.

Differences From Past Pregnancy: I didn't really have a whole lot of cravings when I was pregnant with Logan, other than ice cream, so I'd say the fact that I'm having some this time is different.

What I Look Forward To: Same - Making it to 24 weeks.  I know I'm crazy, but the anxiety of loss is hard.  Making it to 24 weeks means that should the baby need to come early, there is the possibility of surviving outside the womb.  Thank goodness for modern medicine!

Also looking forward to taking some family pics on the 15th.  My friend that regularly does them isn't available, so I'm a little nervous about our new person since I don't know her, but I'll just be glad to have anything at this point to capture our family just as it is right now :) 

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: Still trying to figure out a name...haven't really thought too much about it though.  I'm really hoping to have one before she arrives though :)  I also really need to get moving on cleaning out the bedroom that will be hers.  There's so much going on this time of the year though, it's hard.  We've got Thanksgiving, then going out of town the following weekend, then Logan's b-day the next weekend, we're doing family pictures the following Saturday and then it's Christmas!  Crazy!!

This was taken Saturday before I went to a shower for my SIL, Meredith, and their sweet baby girl, Claire.

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