November 12, 2012

22 Weeks

22 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: At my appointment on Wednesday I was up 8 pounds.  I think I might already be up another since then.  Ha!

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a papaya - approximately 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.  At my ultrasound last week, she measured about a pound (16 oz).

Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants, but wearing a mix of regular & maternity shirts.

Sleep: Still bad - have had a couple really rough nights the past week.  One where I woke up at 2:30am and didn't sleep the rest of the night.  This is definitely worse than when I had a newborn...hoping it gets better soon.

Movement: Yes - lots.  I love it - it's so reassuring that our sweet baby is ok.  Baby is moving as I'm typing this.

Cravings/Aversions: My chicken & dumplings craving has been taken care of for the time being and my mom is making me an apple pie for my birthday on Thursday, so I'm super excited about that.  I've also been wanting some of my friend Erica's pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, so I think I'm going to make them for my bible study group on Wednesday.  I've also been wanting either my friend Sunny's chicken spaghetti or The Pioneer Woman's as both are similar but very delicious :)  I have both recipes (I think) so if the craving gets bad enough I'll have to make some.

Aversions - I'm sick of eating out.  Since I was sick for so long I wasn't able to do a whole lot of cooking, so we often picked food up or ate out.  Not so good on the pocket book, but there wasn't a whole lot of other options at the time.  So glad I can cook again, but I don't enjoy the cleaning up after :(
What I Miss: Sleep.

Gender: It's a girl! Our world is about to drastically change.  I went to Target the other day to get a couple things and started to pass the baby girl section.  I'm so used to looking over at the close, thinking oh how cute they all are, then moving on.  Let's just say it was a whole lot harder this time to move on, but I was good and kept going.  Ha!

Mood: Pretty good, mostly just tired.

Milestones: Knowing it's a girl so we can start working on names.  I'm hoping to have a name this time BEFORE she is born :)

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Lots of Braxton Hicks, but not so many that my doctor has any concern.  Still having some nausea, little sleep, restless leg, and some heartburn.  No major concerns.

Differences From Past Pregnancy: I think I'm bigger than I was last pregnancy, but I'm pretty sure that's common when you've been pregnant before.

What I Look Forward To: Making it to 24 weeks.  I know I'm crazy, but the anxiety of loss is hard.  Making it to 24 weeks means that should the baby need to come early, there is the possibility of surviving outside the womb.  Thank goodness for modern medicine!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: Taking name suggestions, but we probably won't be sharing our top name choices until we've made a final decision.  I had a really hard time with deciding last time and I think it's partially because we had too much input when we shared the names we had narrowed it down to and it made me think too much about what other people thought rather than on what I liked/wanted.

Also, no picture again this week - I was going to get one today and the day did not go according to plan...hopefully next week.

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