29 Weeks
Total Weight Loss/Gain: At the doctor's office on Thurs. I was up 24. I think I'm up about 25 today. I have had no trouble making up for the lack of weight gain the first 20 weeks. Ha!
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity. However, jeans are becoming less comfortable to wear. They are more restricting and I'd rather be in my velour pants or pajama pants, so that's what I'm wearing the most these days.
Sleep: Still not great, still tired. Currently listening to firework, so I'm sure it will be a late night tonight.
Movement: She is a mover just like her big brother was.
Cravings/Aversions: Craving sweets - probably what's helping me add the weight - oops!
What I Miss: Other than sleep I'm not really sure there's anything. Occasionally, when others have drinks I may slightly wish I could have a margarita or lemon drop martini, but that's about it.
Gender: It's a girl!
Mood: Last night the nesting really hit me and I'm freaking out a little bit over all that is to be done before her arrival.
Milestones: I'm hoping that since I didn't hear anything Friday or today that it means I passed my glucose test. I still won't feel 100% confident until the end of the week, but they said no news is good news, so I'm praying for no news :)
Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Still having a lot of pain in my hips/pelvis - I asked the doctor and she said it's from the bones separating in that area. Last Thursday was REALLY bad and at one point wasn't sure I could walk. Thankfully it's been better since then and I've been using a back support belt that my mom had only using it around my hips and it seems to be helping some. My restless leg is still being especially annoying and I had my first middle of the night leg cramp this weekend. Had those with Logan too - not fun! I'm also staring to have swelling in my legs/ankles on and off. Everything else is the same - Lots of Braxton Hicks, some nausea, little sleep, and some heartburn (which has increased lately, but still not bad).
Differences From Past Pregnancy: I did not have the hip/pelvis pain with Logan. I'm also pretty sure I was not this big.
What I Look Forward To: All that this year has in store for us. I cannot believe the year our DAUGHTER will be born is here. So excited! Happy New Year!!
Anything Else You'd Like to Share: I'm just so thankful for all of our family. They love us and Logan so much and I know our sweet girl will be well loved as well. I just cannot imagine doing this without their love and support. I am thankful everyday to call them my family - those who have been my family my entire life and those that I acquired when I married Brandon. We are SO blessed and I am so thankful!
I forgot about a pic again, but my mother-in-law took a pic this weekend of my sister-in-law and I and I'm sure that one would work, so I will see about getting it and updating this :) I know I said I might update last week and never did, but this time there's actually a picture that exists so hopefully it will be done :)