Tomorrow will be your birthday! We have waited so long for you and thought for sure you would be here by now. We are so thankful that you had the full time to grow and develop but we are ready and excited to meet you! You have been desired and loved from before we knew you existed, and I am thankful that God gave you to our family!
Just like your big brother & sister, our prayer and desire for you is that God will make Himself known to you, that you will desire to know God more and that you will have a relationship with Him. These are things that have helped your Mommy & Daddy, and will also help you throughout your life if you will trust and lean on God in the good times and bad.
I am so excited to have you join our family and see you with your big brother and sister. They already love you so much even though they have not met you yet! You have no idea just how loved you really are!
I love you so much sweet baby and I cannot wait to hold you, snuggle you and show you just how loved you are!
Dear Logan,
I am so excited to see you become a big brother, again! You have been a wonderful big brother to Abigail and it makes my heart so happy to see how much you love and care for your sisters.
It has been so fun seeing your excitement over a new baby brother or sister. You have been so sweet asking how the baby is doing and getting excited as it has gotten closer to time to meet the baby.
I know you will continue to be an amazing big brother to Abigail and your new brother or sister and I cannot wait to see how your relationships grow.
You are my big boy now, but you'll still always be my baby too. I love you so much!!
Dear Abigail,
You have loved babies from the time you were still a little baby. You have been so excited about having a new baby brother or sister and I know you will help Mommy take good care of him/her.
I know this may be a hard transition for you to have to share Mommy more than you are used to, but you have a love that is special that others can't help but notice and I know you will show that love to your baby brother or sister too.
My prayer is that you and Logan will love your new sibling as much as you love each other. I pray that your bond will only continue to grow together for all 3 of you.
I love you sweet girl, more than you will ever know, and that will never change!
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