I cannot believe a whole month has already gone by, yet at the same time, it just feels so normal for you to be here. Almost as if you've always been here. At your 2 week check-up you were 10 lbs 1 oz (94th percentile), you were 21 1/2 inches long (96th percentile) and your head circumference was 14 1/4 inches (81st percentile). Such a big girl! I would guess you are about 11 pounds now (edit: you went to the doctor the day after your 1 month b-day and you are 11 lbs 2.5 oz.).
You are growing and changing so much every day! I feel like it is going by way too fast!
You are still in size 1 diapers (you started in those at the hospital), and are wearing 0-3 month clothes. They fit you perfectly so I imagine it won't be too much longer until you are in 3-6 month clothes. You only got to wear the newborn size for a week or 2.
You are already starting to smile & coo regularly and it just makes this Momma's heart so happy.
Unfortunately, I think you have reflux. You don't spit up a TON, but you do a little bit ever day and some days you will have a time when pretty much throw everything up. You often choke when nursing or between nursings when your reflux is acting up. It scares me so much at times because sometimes I'm worried you won't start breathing again. Thankfully, you always do :)
You are a great sleeper and are already sleeping 6-7 hours a night. You sleep in your Rock & Play which I think helps with your reflux at night. It keeps you at an angle so you don't seem to have choking spells like you did before you started using it. Hopefully you will be in your own room soon. Mommy is a little behind in getting it ready.
You also got to take your first trip to Aggieland to take pictures in the blue bonnets, and then you got to go to Kyle Field for the first time to watch the Aggie's spring scrimmage - The Maroon & White game. You were such a trooper!!
I still can't believe you are here, and you are ours! I feel so blessed to be your Mommy and I'm looking forward to the days, weeks, months & years to come with you. I love you so very much!!
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