I cannot believe your birthday will be here soon. It has been such a rollercoaster since finding out you were on your way, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I cannot wait to meet you, see your sweet face, and hold you close. You are already such a loved little girl, but I know when you arrive, the love we have for you will grow in such a way that can't be explained or measured.
Just like for your big brother, my hope for you is that God will make Himself known to you, that you will desire to know God more and that you will have a relationship with Him. I pray that God will help me to guide you in a way that you will know the love of God and desire to do what is pleasing in His eyes.
You are already such a blessing and I am so looking forward to your arrival. I love you more than you will ever know!
Dear Logan,
Very soon you will be a big brother! I am so proud of the big boy you are becoming. You are sweet, and busy, and funny, and smart, and so much more. You care when others are sad and hurting and want them to feel better. I know you will help take good care of your little sister.
I hope you know Mommy & Daddy love you so very much! I know you can never truly know or understand the full love we have for you, but I hope you feel very loved. Even though you are such a big boy now, you will always be my baby no matter how big you get.
I worry so much about the change of adding another child to our family, and how that will affect you. I don't want you to ever feel like you are being replaced, or that you aren't enough because that is not at all the case. Our love for you will never lessen, it will only grow.
My prayer for you and your sister is that you will love each other and become good friends. I know there will be times when you may not like each other very much, but I hope you always love each other.
You are such a blessing and I am so thankful God allowed me to be your mother. I love you sweet boy!!
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