June 7, 2012

18 months


Seriously, how are you 18 months already???  You are such a big boy, but still my sweet baby :)  At your 18 month appointment, you weighed 26 pounds 14 ounces.  You feel much heavier than though. Ha!  That is the 83rd percentile.  You were 33 inches tall and that was the 70th percentile.  Your head size was 19 inches and the 74th percentile.  You are perfectly healthy and we are so thankful for that!

This month you...
- are talking even more now.  Your words are becoming more clear, and it makes communicating with you a little bit easier.  You still use some of your signs, but now verbalize "more" and "please".  We're still working on "thank you" though.
- have learned to say "I love you."  It doesn't sound exactly like it, and we do have to ask you to say, but you have started trying to repeat it.  It melts my heart!
- love pickles!  Those count as a veggie right? 
- have learned to say "Aggies" and can do the Gig'em sign
- fold your hands and say "prayer" and "amen" 
- attempt to repeat most things we say, and your vocabulary is growing.  Your words are sounding more and more like the actual words.
- are very good at kicking a soccer ball (or any ball, really).
- can catch your football when someone throws it to you (we think you're very coordinated!)
- love making silly sounds
- still love, love, love to read.  This makes me so happy.  I love how you often want to snuggle up together and read.  You've really started loving to read in your big chair in your room.
- are not the biggest fan of water, but we are working on it.  You used to love your bath, but hated having water in your face, so washing your hair was rather difficult.  We finally got you to where you would do ok as long as we had a towel to dry your face.  Then, you had a potty accident in the bathtub, and when you saw it, became terrified.  You then would not go back in the bathtub without someone IN the tub with you, and even then, you wouldn't let go of our legs.  Finally, we bought a new duck and you because so fascinated with him, that you were able to overcome your fears.  Woohoo!  However, you still aren't a fan of water in your face, but you're getting better.  You now know you can wipe it away with your hand and that helps.
- had your first swim of the season in Grandma & Papa's pool.  Because of your water fears, you are having to warm up to the idea of "swimming."
- are very into horses and cows right now.  You love animals in general, but talk all the time about horses and cows.
- have finally started to attempt saying your own name.  You have almost always at least tried repeating other peoples' names, but you either wouldn't try or would tell me "no" if I tried to get you to say your name.
- you understand that 2 means more than 1.  Any time you have more than 1 of something you say "two."  It's so cute, but obviously we'll have to work on knowing that it only means 1 more than one :)

I cannot tell you enough how much I love you!  You have been such a blessing to our whole family and I thank God every day for trusting me to be your Mommy!  I love you so much sweet boy!

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